It's generally recommended that we seat bullets from 0.020" to 0.070" from lands. I usually start at .030" with Hornady's, .050" with all copper pills. Seating into the lands spikes pressure, no big deal on a mild target load but could be a problem with max loads, the difference in accuracy is moot in sporting arms as we want more velocity at lower pressures as a rule.
This is of course assuming your magazine will accept them so loaded. Many times, OAL has to be adjusted shorter from ideal because of magazine length.
Here's a printout of powders and loads from QuickLoad, a really good loading software program. I selected loading densities from 90% to 105% (mild compression) of usable powder space, at the software-default 52667 psi max. CIP specs are 60191 psi, but please bear in mind that you should plan on reducing the listed charges and working up as various batches of powders can vary in burn and density by 10% or so. This is why the software defaults low, but given the difference of less than 100 fps between 52667 and 60000+ psi, little is to be gained running hot if the accuracy is good.
Note on the "calculated and estimated data" section I randomly plugged-in 60 gr. Reloader 17 in order to run the report, way too hot at 67,796 psi. It absolute-maxes out at 58.0 grains for 60,498 psi and 3073 fps predicted.
Also, fill an empty with water and weigh the water. 69 grains is standard on the 7x64, but real cases rarely come in there. Thicker cases (less volume) can raise pressures too. Same with seating depth because it affects capacity as well.
Note it also lists the % of powder that is actually consumed in the barrel, 100% of course the ideal. This is where Alliant Reloader 17 powders really shine.
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