AH fanatic
Hi all! I'm off to Africa next year (August 2017) for the first time and I'm trying to get my gear together. Part of that means that I need something to get the rifle over to Africa and that's where you fine folks can (possibly, hopefully) come in! I'm looking for a decent condition used gun case to take with me. I've looked at Tuffpak, Pelican and a few others that have previously been mentioned on this forum and while I agree 100% that they look phenomenal they are also outside of my rather lean budget. So, the meat of the matter, if anyone has one of the above cases in fair condition, or another good one that they would like to unload please let me know! I'm pretty open at this point and not in any sort of rush but if your looking for an excuse to get rid of a case that has served admirably but has one too many cosmetic dents, dings, scrapes or other imperfections I'd really appreciate the chance to give the old warrior a good home! Thanks for reading and Happy Hunting!