advice on which guns to leave


AH enthusiast
Feb 19, 2011
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I am currently planning on heading to africa for a month long safari in june. I have decided to take my bow so my bowcase will double as my suitcase. In addition I normally like to take all the firepower I can carry. As of recently I am tiring of carrying all those rifles through the airports and from lodge to lodge. It is for this reason I am only taking what I need and no more.

What I want to do is basically take 2 guns. One heavy gun for the larger animals like buffalo. The second gun I want to use for all my PG animals and leopard. I recently purchased a 460 weatherby magnum for buffalo. A few months later I got an itch for the new R8 blaser and purchased one of those as well. I got two barrels for my blaser. One barrel in 375 H&H and another in 300 weatherby magnum. I am undoubtedly taking the blaser as the 300 wby will be my go to gun for most animals. However I am now torn on whether or not to take the 460 wby or my long range tactical rifle as I am an avid long range hunter. My long range gun is a sako TRG 42 chambered in 338 Lapua Mag. I shoot 250 grain scenars out to 1100 yards accurately all day long. That bullet alone I KNOW will kill anything on this planet. So if I take my 338 Lapua I will not need to take the 460 wby. However the TRG 42 is an extremely heavy rifle and I'm not sure it will be the most comfortable to pack for a buff hunt. I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the 250 gr scenar at and over 100 yards is a much more lethal killer than my 460 wby or 375 H&H ever will be and has proven itself time and time again on extremely outsized game. I guess what my problem is would be weight and the practical use of a long range weapon. I know I will be kicking myself if i get to zim and have vantage points where I can see 1000 yards hence giving me the ability to use my rifle. Then again that may not be the case. Secondly I know my trg 42 well and have that confidence level I have with no other gun. On the other hand I've always wanted to use one of those big bulky african calibers to take a classical african animal for some reason. I know those monster slugs just pass right through anything you shoot them at besides elephant and waste kinetic energy outside the animal but I just have that itch. Lets not forget that my wife will be taking her tikka t3 300 wsm for most of her animals. I also need to state that the 375 H&H in the blaser isn't isn't comfortable to shoot. That thing is just too light and has no recoil management and flat out hurts to shoot. The 338 lapua and 460 weatherby guns are much easier shooting guns.

So what are your thoughts? suck it up and shoot that 375 H&H and only take one small suitcase from blaser and call it good? Take my 460 in addition? take them all as guns are just plain cool? take my trg 42 and leave the rest here? I can take 3 as my wife is only taking 1 but I'm just torn. I love the thought of having tons of fire power and I think that may be the reason Im wanting to take more than I should. That combined with feeling loyal to my old tried and true guns leaves me with feelings of grief for leaving my "ol buddy" at home. I just don't know why I get attached to my guns and think I'm gonna hurt their feelings if I don't take them but I do.

Whats your advice for the souther zim area and why? I really just want to hear someone talk some sense into me and give me a reason to leave some firepower at home.
No doubt, I would take the Blaser and be fine. That is if buff are the biggest you gonna shoot. Why do you even consider dragging that TRG to Africa??? I doubt a Ph would let you take a 1000 yards shot anyway, thats just insane.
Travel light an enjoy the hunting, its not a war you are going for.
You have not mentioned where in Africa you are hunting. Be aware that in some countries your 338 Lapua will not be legal for Buffalo as is does not meet the 375 caliber minimum.
The less I pack, the happier I am. The Blaser and both barrels is the way to go, in my opinion. I know it kicks the hell out of you in 375, but you aren't going to be shooting it at a bench once you get there. And no matter how bad it is, the idea of taking a 460 Weatherby to mitigate the recoil of the 375 HH strikes me as a half baked scheme no matter how well it works. If this isn't what you bought the Blaser for, I have no idea what it is for. As far as I can tell, they are exactly for this purpose. Bring it and be happy. I've never managed to get a full length gun case on the trolly easily and have condidered a take down rifle for just that reason. You've got one and two chamberings to boot.

The TRG might be a lot of fun when you get there, it will be in a case en route and with a whole bunch of other stuff you have to get there as well. The journey is going to suck in an epic manner if you bring that unless you bring a load bearer with you. That gun is designed for a young fit soldier to carry in combat, not a successful businessman to carry in lot a case with another rifle and several changes of clothes and a bow. I know from your previous posts that you can afford to take more than one trip. If you have the long range hunting bug, put together a hunt for it and bring just the TRG. A bow, a moderate rifle, and a long distance rifle at the same time is a PIA of the first order.

Then there is the trip back. Lord only knows what stuff you'll be bringing back, but it will be more than you left with. Keep it simple.
The less I pack, the happier I am. The Blaser and both barrels is the way to go, in my opinion. I know it kicks the hell out of you in 375, but you aren't going to be shooting it at a bench once you get there. And no matter how bad it is, the idea of taking a 460 Weatherby to mitigate the recoil of the 375 HH strikes me as a half baked scheme no matter how well it works. If this isn't what you bought the Blaser for, I have no idea what it is for. As far as I can tell, they are exactly for this purpose. Bring it and be happy. I've never managed to get a full length gun case on the trolly easily and have condidered a take down rifle for just that reason. You've got one and two chamberings to boot.

The TRG might be a lot of fun when you get there, it will be in a case en route and with a whole bunch of other stuff you have to get there as well. The journey is going to suck in an epic manner if you bring that unless you bring a load bearer with you. That gun is designed for a young fit soldier to carry in combat, not a successful businessman to carry in lot a case with another rifle and several changes of clothes and a bow. I know from your previous posts that you can afford to take more than one trip. If you have the long range hunting bug, put together a hunt for it and bring just the TRG. A bow, a moderate rifle, and a long distance rifle at the same time is a PIA of the first order.

Then there is the trip back. Lord only knows what stuff you'll be bringing back, but it will be more than you left with. Keep it simple.

Laughing and clapping!! Agree totally. Tap, whatever happy pills you take, I want some! Sometimes less is better, the KISS system works well for most things.
Take them all. You will not be actually lifting the cases, they roll pretty good.
You will only have 3 complete guns plus one barrel.
ask for a gun to be kept inside the land cruiser and have the other 2 plus the wifeï½´s on top.
Carry one in to the mopane and have a gun bearer for a second rifle.

Thanks for the info an the Blaser i looked at the combo you purchased. I thought that they were on the light side.

The stock will take a recoil reducer and put on a kickezz or gooey pad recoil Pad. these two items will help manage the recoil.

When a rifle hurt you you will develop a flinch and it will cascade to other rifles. The thing is even in shooting sticks you will pull your shots. Have the recoil under control before you go or leave the rifle home.

A lot of the time it is due to the recoil and muzzle blast (report) good hearing protection will go a long way to help you out.
This has been a very hilarious read. I never thought of a safari from the war aspect but I suspect you are right. Beings as the animals wont be shooting back I definitely am not going to war. hahahahaha!

On the other note you guys are right. I need to keep it simple. It definitely makes the trip easier. I know I'm doubling my bow case as my luggage and limiting my clothes to one nice pair for our anniversary and 3 changes of hunting clothes and thats it. It will all easily fit into my bow case. So why pack so many guns and ruin the idea of packing light and simply. Guess I just need to hear it from others as well.

As for James.grage, (and on a side note) you are right. The 460 weatherby in a mark V deluxe rifle with a muzzle break kicks far less than the blaser 375 H&H mag. That blaser barely has a recoil pad on the end of the stock and that gun is super light. Let me try to put this in perspective for you guys without trying to sound boastful. I'm 6'3" tall and I love working out. Just today I was repping 315 pounds on the over head military press. Im a very solid guy and my shoulders are huge. I can take the punishment of most rifles without notice. However, that blaser R8 in 375 H&H magnum kicks like a herd of mules. That guns trigger is by far the most crisp and awesome trigger I've ever shot (love it). The rifle is a dream. when it comes to the recoil I can honestly tell you I had tears in my eyes. I reluctantly squeezed off 3 more rounds in an attempt to sight in my rifle and after shot 4 I was done. My shoulder was hurting for two days. Not only did my shoulder hurt but somehow that recoil found its way through my muscle and to my actual ball and socket joint. The whole thing hurt. Lets just say I was suprised to say the least. I thought the most brutal gun in the world was a 50 call muzzy with a 150 grains of powder behind a barnes tmz. Well I stand corrected. that 375 H&H won round number one. To be quite honest with you the gun nearly knocked me out! Im used to american guns with triggers so stiff it takes a sledge hammer to set the trigger in motion. Well this blaser has a gorgeous trigger of which I was not aware. I layed down, settled into the gun. I had my cheeck about 2 inches off the butt of the gun when I decided to gently lay my finger across the trigger in preperation for the shot. I was planning on then putting my eye on the sights but that never happened. As soon as I touched the trigger "BOOM" the gun went off. It jumped up, sucker punched me square in the jaw and all I saw were sparks and stars flying. I think I may have briefly passed out as I had to get my gun out of the dirt. I definitely don't remember throwing it there. Determination was the only thing that made me pick it up. I still haven't got it sighted in as the front iron sights spring loaded mechanism broke and I now plan on scoping the beast. After reading your posts I'm determined to take that dragon to africa and tame it on a giant buffalo. Don't think I'm gonna loose this battle that easily. So there we have it. You guys talked me into it now just wish me luck and pray to god that gun doesn't "KO" me again!
I hate to get a laugh at your expense tap, but that made me chuckle. I had a somewhat similar experience the first time out with my .416 Rigby CZ. I used the set the set trigger and I don't even remember touching the trigger and BAM! Fortunately I had a better hold of the gun than I guess you did and avoided the pop in the head.

Wasn't so lucky a number of years ago when I shot my first 7mm. Didn't get knocked out, but I was a bit silly there for a bit. Looked silly too at the range when the guys next to me informed me I was bleeding. If you want some pain, try out a .505 Gibbs. I did once and have no intention of doing so again. Took 3 days for my kidneys to stop shaking!
No offense, I got a laugh at your expense as well. I'm glad to know I'm not the only person in the world to get whooped by a gun. At least I didn't have an audience watching the entire thing. hahahahahaha you poor guy, sorry but thats just funny.

PS don't tell your family about things like that. They never let you forget.
No offense, I got a laugh at your expense as well. I'm glad to know I'm not the only person in the world to get whooped by a gun. At least I didn't have an audience watching the entire thing. hahahahahaha you poor guy, sorry but thats just funny.

PS don't tell your family about things like that. They never let you forget.

No need to be sorry, I laugh about it too. It is a rather strange thing when you get popped hard in the head like that. When I say I was knocked silly, I mean that. I was coherent but in this kind of goofy world where the thought process was greatly slowed for a few minutes. I was single at the time and living in Texas far away from family so the only embarrassment was in front of my audience.

I pretty much had to teach myself to shoot which meant learning from my own mistakes and not others. It took just that one case of scope eye to teach me to approach the scope from too far away versus too close.
I totally agree on the KISS and bring your Blaser. I understand it can give some pain, but there are several things you can do to help with that.
The first thing I would do is to put on a Limbsaver recoil pad. They are very efficient in reducing felt recoil.

I did this on my Ruger Alaskan in 375 Ruger and I was surprised about how much it reduced the recoil.
Now it has a much more gentle recoil with 300 grain bullets than my Tikka T3 in 30-06 had with 180 grain bullets.

I hate muzzle breaks, but that might be the solution if you don't feel that the Limbsaver recoil pad is enough.
Here in Norway are suppressors legal, so I would use that instead of a muzzle break even if it makes the gun heavier.

I have experienced to get hurt by a gun once.
It was with a friends rifle/shotgun. He had put a scope on it and wanted to test if the scope and the mount managed the recoil from his heavy 3" magnum shotgun shells.
He is rather recoil shy and after 2 shots, he asked if I could do the rest of the shooting as he knows I don't mind heavy recoil.
I got behind the gun and took a shot. It was like someone hit me in the face with a sledgehammer. First I thought the gun blew up on me.
But no, I just had the scope hitting the bridge of my nose, cutting a few millimeters into the bone.

I felt like a total amateur. It was minus 20 Celsius outside and it didn't stop to bleed before I came inside a warm house about 1 hour later.
I would bring the Blaser. Get a good recoil pad. I don't see how a muzzleloader loaded with 150 grains could compare to the 300 Weatherby, 460 Weatherby or 375 H&H. The Weatherby's are known to kick the crap out of you. Don't get me wrong Muzzleloaders and Shotguns can hurt...but to me a "light" 300 Win Mag, 300 Ultra Mag or 300 Weatherby can really be brutal.
Now that everyone is admitting to brain damage from recoil I am beginning to doubt a lot more of what you are writing. :)

T, "one nice pair for our anniversary".
Cut back on the weight here and put extra effort into making sure little "t" gets her Croc!!!
Hey brickburn, do me a favor please! quit posting on this site! I'm just about sick of seeing you on here!

Do you have an idea how big that buffalo in your avatar is? That thing gives me wet dreams every night and odds are that I will never kill a buffalo that size. Please quit torturing me and change your avatar or leave this site!

as for little "t" she can take care of herself. When we go hunting it is every man for him or her self. My "BIG" leopard comes first, then my "BIG" buff, then if we have time she can look for her "little" croc. I really don't know if i want her to get a croc. She's planning on full body mounting that thing. I'm seriously wondering where in the heck are we gonna put that thing? I'm convinced she's lost her mind!
Hey brickburn, do me a favor please! quit posting on this site! I'm just about sick of seeing you on here!

Do you have an idea how big that buffalo in your avatar is? That thing gives me wet dreams every night and odds are that I will never kill a buffalo that size. Please quit torturing me and change your avatar or leave this site!

as for little "t" she can take care of herself. When we go hunting it is every man for him or her self. My "BIG" leopard comes first, then my "BIG" buff, then if we have time she can look for her "little" croc. I really don't know if i want her to get a croc. She's planning on full body mounting that thing. I'm seriously wondering where in the heck are we gonna put that thing? I'm convinced she's lost her mind!

Convinced she's lost her mind.
Re-read this thread man! Do some self assessment.
Although, she married you so there is some credence to your claim there.

By the way I know exactly how big that Buffalo is, as a matter of fact.
I was hunting with a Camera, Bow and Rifle, remember? :)
I guess if you would have gotten me a ticket you could have brought all the guns.I would gladly use your guns and ammo and hell I would even carry them for you to the trucks.Just take me with so you can check 2 extra bags and problem is solved. Never would I have thought any gun would kick more then a 460 weatherby.
tap, have her think twice about that full body mount. My wife shot a 10 foot gator with her crossbow in Florida, and her full skin (like the old lion rug with the head on it, except a gator) mount is impractical. A croc is going to be even bigger. If my wife had to do it over, she'd do a coffee table with just the head coming up out of some plastic "water" and have the skin made into a handbag or belts or whatever.
Hey bert, PM me and I will gladly give you my wifes personal cell number. I will more than encourage you to talk her out of a full body mount but quite frankly its not something I'm willing to make an attempt at. Sorry!

Billc, your an absolute genius. Will you even shoot the animals for me so that i don't have to leave the lodge? your a heckuva guy! TOP NOTCH! lol
no i would not shoot your animals and take that fun away but we would need to share animals or pay for some more.My services only goes so far and I would more be like your personally troubleshooter fixing these small problems .I have a way of figuring out this small problems and help myself have I am glad you are starting to see I am top notch took long enough to see i am here to help.What more could you want a plan ticket and a few more animals for me and you get to take all the guns you want.I saw on the other site you got your tickets taken care of for next to nothing that was nice to see.That was a susprise to see that was not alot more to get taken care of.I would never book a ticket to fly to africa without using lori again for my travel agent.I will work on this problem with a full size croc mount next so you are not feed to the crocs there by your wife.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)