I can see HSC eventually (almost!) rivalling DSC now that the venue has been improved!
I actually hope that doesnt happen..
I spoke to several exhibitors at DSC that have been also attending the Houston show for a long time.. every one of them expressed a concern over this..
What they told me was that while DSC is great, and they get to see a ton of people, etc (they love the DSC show).. that Houston offered a more "intimate" setting and was less busy.. which allows them to spend more time with potential clients and work out the details of potential hunts, etc (they love Houston too)..
They also felt like there was a lot less competition, and that they could rely on "old friends" for referrals, etc. at Houston.. where thats not quite as easy at the big shows like DSC and SCI...
For example.. one of my friends owns a outfitting business in Wyoming.. for the last few years their company has been the only rocky mountain outfitter that specializes in world class mule deer that has had a booth in Houston... They have a lot of long standing, happy customers in Houston and are friends with several of the other vendors that set up booths there too.. so when they set up at the show, they always get several direct referrals.. If someone is asking about rocky mountain mule deer opportunities.. they get brought to their booth either by prior customers or by other outfitters that know that mule deer is what they specialize in.. and then they return the favor when someone comes to their booth and mentions something like moose, gold medal fishing, new zealand stag, etc..etc..
I got the impression that many of the companies that have a long history of showing in Houston are a little bit apprehensive about the change, and have been really happy with the way things have been in years past..
Most I talked to seemed hopeful that "bigger" would ultimately be "better".. but.. they werent exactly excited about having to wait and see if that was going to be the case either..