AH fanatic
The other day I was attempting to disassemble a bolt on my rifle and was in a rush. Long story short is that I gouged my finger (twice!) with a screw driver because I was being stupid. I was bleeding though my cheap band-aids so I remembered hearing about using super glue as a bandage so I gave that a try. It worked great! Bleeding stopped immediately and after the glue dried (very important step if you don't want to be stuck to anything!) I was able to continue on and put the bolt together. All the glue wore off after the next day.
So for now I think I'll put a small tube of super glue in my field first aid kit. It seemed to work well in a pinch on minor cuts and would be good for fixing other gear too.
So for now I think I'll put a small tube of super glue in my field first aid kit. It seemed to work well in a pinch on minor cuts and would be good for fixing other gear too.