I haven't done it but I emailed US Customs and received the following. BTW you will need Canadian Paperwork from Foreign Affairs for your rifle and scope. I decided that it was less grief to rent a rifle.
Discussion Thread
Response Via Email (Mark) 02/03/2014 04:54 PM
Dear Brian,
You will be OK if you transit the US, and the firearm is in your checked bags. You do not need a permit. You will probably be pre-cleared by CBP officers in Ottawa when you go to South Africa, and they will check the information. On the return journey you need to claim your bags in Atlanta, go through CBP, and then re-check for the flight to Canada. I hope this helps.
CBP ports:
Locate a Port of Entry | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
CBP pre-clearance locations
Thank you for contacting the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) INFO Center.
If you have any other questions or would like clarification on this response, please feel free to contact us either by calling our toll free number 877 CBP-5511 (227-5511) or if calling from outside the United States our toll number 202-325-8000 and speak with a Public Information Officer. Our hours of operation are Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Eastern Time.
Please note that in our online tracking software, a 鉄olved status simply means that we have provided you with the best information we have to your question. There may still be steps you need to complete before your situation is resolved to your satisfaction. Those steps are explained in our response. If you need further clarification on those steps, please feel free to contact us back.
This email is intended for Informational Purposes Only, final determination of admission is solely at the discretion of the CBP Officer based upon the inspection at the time of entry.
Customer By Web Form 01/28/2014 11:22 AM
I will be leaving Ottawa Canada on a hunting trip in South Africa.
Ottawa --> Detroit --> Atlanta --> South Africa and the reverse on the way home. My rifle will be checked through in Ottawa. Your website states "You must be in physical possession of your firearm" not possible on an aircraft. What paperwork if any do you require from me?
Thanks much