@BourbonTrail if you want to see the worst of America, watch the 12+ hours of videos by Dries Vissers safaris on youtube. (An advertiser here on AH). Dries' videos are actually top-notch and they spend a lot of time showing perfect shot locations on all the African game animals. The embarrassing part is the American clientele with their deer and elk setups and their overcompensating for small members by having speed bows. An appalling amount of the shots do not get pass-throughs. An appalling amount of shots with super-speed bows are so noisy the warthogs and springbok duck the shots and laugh at even close ranges.
A really, really important thing people do not understand about bows with heavier arrow setups is this. The archery calculators online lie. They lie tremendously. DO NOT trust archery calculators.
Once you set up your favorite whitetail bow with whizzy fast whitetail arrows, get the weight, FOC, and FPS as shot over a chronograph. That is truth to start with. Then tune and shoot a heavy arrow over the chronograph AFTER you plug in the numbers in an archery calculator. You'll be astounded by the following truths that come to light:
1.) Heavy arrows make your bow dead in the hand with no vibration and very little noise. This is how you get animals to not jump the string. Ninja quiet.
2.) Heavy arrows sit in the bow longer during launch and efficiently drain the power from the limbs and string. This is why #1 is true, it is quieter. But beyond that, all that additional time to begin acceleration while generating momentum results in much more efficient power transfer to the arrow rather than vibration, sound, and residual power in the bow remaining after the arrow is at velocity.
My son's setup for examples:
22" DL, 32lb draw weight. 347gr arrows going 200fps. The arrow (a two blade magnus stinger) would not pass through a turkey.
22" DL, 32lb draw weight. 468gr arrows going 174fps. The arrow (a two blade magnus stinger). The calculator lied and said it would be 163fps. Pass throughs on deer no problem.
22.75" DL, 42lbs. 560ish grain arrows. His bow is launching them at 164fps. With 23%+ FOC his setup its just smoking. But the archery calculator says it should only go 133fps.
Archery calculators do not accurately predict observed velocities with heavy arrows nor do they correctly assess the increasing momentum. All things KE being equal, more momentum conserves energy and gets bone breaking and pass throughs that KE alone does not.
But this is all anecdote until you try it yourself and see real-world numbers. The fallacy that you end up with huge pin gaps with heavy arrows isn't true. The fallacy that the fastest bow in the world is fast enough to avoid animals jumping the string is also a myth. (all bows are too slow...find a way to get them not to jump the string with quiet, not with speed)