I bought the Trophy Taker Smackdown FC rest last year. I'm pretty happy with it. It's virtually impossible for the arrow to find it's way out of the rest. Years ago before my break from bowhunting, I had an arrow fall of the rest as I was drawing on an elk, which of course did not find it's way to my freezer as a result. This feature therefore I find to be quite useful. I had just one problem with it that you should be aware of if you go this way. There is a string that is used to pull the arrow rest down. The string is attached to the rest at one end and to a limb at the other. The thing-a-ma-bob used to attach the string to the limb was not beveled and had something of a sharp edge. It didn't take but maybe a 100 shots before the string was cut rendering the rest useless.
Now to be fair, I honestly had one of the first of these to hit the market and it was a problem that I hope was relegated to those early versions. I would guess that Trophy Taker heard about it and fixed the issue.
I've used and tested a great many different aroow rests, all with variang degrees of success, but recently I've favoure the tried and true Whisker Biscuit. I only lose a mere 1fps but gain so much more. Accuracy is great and I now can relax about an arrow hitting the riser or jumping off the rest when Im stalking.
I love my QAD ultra-rest. I have been shooting them for several years now. I had one malfunction due to the baggage handlers while in africa. Got it working enough to "get by". When i returned home i sent an email to QAD and got a brand new rest for free within 3 days. Great customer service.
Bowhunting has a way of humbling you. That was back when I felt the need to set the bow as heavy as possible. Lesson learned was just because you can pull the bow doesn't mean you can pull it without excessive movement or twisting the string. Still you never know what you may do, and I really like the design of my rest.
I've come to my senses with age I guess. Last year's elk was killed with a whopping 60 pound pull. The elk thought it was a 100 pound elephant killer!
I use the APA twister drop away.
It houses the arrow so it won't drop off while stalking and it is quick and quiet.
Have a look here: Twister - Arrow Rests - APA Innovations Inc.
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