AH member
So I went to an estate auction today. The gentleman who passed was a serious gun collector. All of the pieces were in fantastic condition. There were three revolvers that I was interested in. A New York State police S&W Model 520. A Colt Army Model 1917 and a S&W Model 65 with a 3" barrel. First up was the Model 520. My pain threshold was $600.00. It sold for $875.00. Next up was the Model 1917. I expected it to also go soaring pass my cut-off. But ,as I listened to the bidding, I was surprised at how sluggish it was. The auctioneer eventually dropped it down to $200.00 before anyone started to bid. Well I jumped in and won with a bid of $550.00. Now figure in the Buyer's Premium (10%) and the Idaho Sales Tax (6%) and the final figure was $641.30, but I'm satisfied with that price. Very clean and mechanically it's in excellent condition. Serial number is 304*** . Seems appropriate with it being the 100th anniversary of World War I. The revolver is massive. It weighs 40 ounces unloaded, but considering it was made under wartime conditions and demands the workmanship is excellent. I almost skipped this auction. I was certain that I would be outbid. Guess the old adage about "Nothing ventured is nothing gained" is true at times.

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