Tex, an exhibitor at most of the shows has an obligation, at some shows it is formal and others it is simply "implied", that a donation be made to the particular club holding the convention.
The level of donation and application of that obligation is applied differently depending on the club.
With some conventions you are allowed to avoid a "hunt" or "product" donation with a standardized minimal cash donation.
Hunt, or product, donations accumulate credit points for an exhibitor in terms of points earned directly proportional to the dollar value of the donation and go towards that particular exhibitor's location on the convention floor and level of convention advertising they receive.
It also displays a level of "good-will" on behalf of the exhibitor towards that particular club, and its members.
Some long standing operators/exhibitors that have been in the game for a long time, have established client lists, and perhaps even waiting lists, will minimize their donations because they just don't need any additional exposure than what they already have.
Some, regardless of this fact, choose to express their goodwill and donate regardless.
Many/most hunt outfitters have worked out how the donation hunt system works and try minimize the financial loss by minimizing the donation.
A lot of the donations I see these days include only the day rate, trophy fees being at the clients cost. This minimizes the loss to the outfitter.
Even in these instances where you may be responsible for trophy fees, the day rates are often up for grabs at greatly reduced prices than otherwise available.
There are still quite a few legitimate "full-scale" donations given by outfitters with free abandon to the full advantage of the winning bidder.
Most/all clubs and conventions require full disclosure of ALL DONATIONS given so that they can be formalized in the convention issue magazines, giving potential bidders the opportunity to check details prior to any of the auctions.
The onus is on you to do your homework, read the details provided in the convention issue mags and reference back to the web sites of the particular outfitter.
There are still some awesome deals available if you are careful and don't drink too much at the auctions !!!!!
Any operator that would exersise an auctioned hunt with anything less than the same level of intensity, effort, detail and commitment than a "normally" booked hunt is a fool that needs to be reported back to the club where the donation was purchased.