AUSTRALIA: Young Blokes Newest Hunting Edition


AH legend
May 21, 2012
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ssaa, aba ,bairnsdale field archers SFP
australia south africa (limpopo, north west,eastcape) canada (b.c)zambia
well I must say im a little shattered
my youngest son kody, rang the boat yesterday and said that he was thinking of going camping with his girlfriend and her 2 kids (2little larrikins named orlando and reon) and he wanted to know where the keys to the gun safe were .any way he rang the boat again last night and said he put up 2 velvet stags and shot one but couldn't find it so he and the boys were going to start out at daylight to find him he said that it looked pretty good in the fading light and there was a bit of blood there .
l was wondering why he never answered when l asked what firearm he took away with him
so ive just got a photo sent to me from his phone with a bueatiful velvet stag in it (id guess he will go 26 inches give or take an inch either way)
the rotten little shit took my 375 HH. its only fired nine shots at a tree and a beer can the day we picked it up .
he wont even answer his phone so I can rip him for drawing first blood with my own gun .
I think its the first time ive been jealous of another hunters succsess.......
nah good on him the rotten little shit


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Very good on him. Nice Stag.

A 375 and he found a bit of blood!

I thought a bullet just flying by out of that gun killed stuff.

You have no excuses for your shooting now mate. :)
it sounded like it is a magic wand from what ive read on here, brick, that's why I brought it
but ive only shot 3 out of the 9 shots ,or should I say 10 now ,and they were at a tree about 120 or 130 metres away and I couldn't believe the group straight out of the box and only bore sighted
when shit head answers his phone I get some better details
Bluey, congrats to your young fella on a great stag.

Looks like he might need some formaldahide (sp ??) to cure it though.
Those tops look like they might still be a little soft.

If he does choose to cure it with the above mentioned be warned to use a mask, gloves and glasses, it's terrible stuff to use.


thanks paul I have got some in the ammo safe
the photo is of his phone and not real good
im sure he will help himself to it when they get home this arvo or evening
I cant wait to hear to little tackers story of how it unfolded im sure they would've been there
ive never used it but do you know how much and where you inject it into ?
the ends im guessing ?
He's just trying to impress the girlfriend :).
gday enysse
it would've either worked one way or the other .
I know he would've either dragged it out or busted it up there and then carried the meat out
from what ive seen of the girl I cant imagine her holding the back legs while he splits the hips and cuts out the straps .
but id love to be there to see .ha ha ha ha
maybe she will carry the cape and head out ha ha ha ha
now im cracking my self up just thinking about that ...

no young kody has got himself some work to do today old mate
thanks paul I have got some in the ammo safe
the photo is of his phone and not real good
im sure he will help himself to it when they get home this arvo or evening
I cant wait to hear to little tackers story of how it unfolded im sure they would've been there
ive never used it but do you know how much and where you inject it into ?
the ends im guessing ?

Bluey, I'm no expert but I have managed to preserve a few heads taken a little early by injecting into the very tips, whilst the head is up-right, and keep pumping until you see it run out from between the velvet.
The veins that run through the velvet form what kinda appears to be small ruts/channels in between the pearling and the formaldahide needs to drains down these ruts all the way to the bottom.
As you get the higher portions (nearest the tips) of the antlers and it starts to run out of the velvet lower the needle along the beams and keep pumping.
Repeat along the inners and brows.

Alternatively, you can also lay the antlers down in a shallow recepticle and cover them with the formaldahide and leave them for a few days.

Don't stand them up in a bucket up-side down in formaldahide !
The soft tips will flatten off and end up square and un-natural loooking
(been there done that !!!!!).

I must repeat, be careful with the stuff !

My approach to using the stuff has caused me to develope a severe reaction to the very smell of it.
Very dangerous stuff to use.


in your opinion will it be ok to maybe freeze them until we go down to gary pegs to pick up my wifes n.z trophies from last year
or should the injecting be done to night if he answers his phone .
thanks for the info paul
Your 375 lost it's virginity to your son? Sounds like a story from a dirty magazine.... Congrats to the boy though, nice stag.
yeah its gunna be a sore point for a while
no l cant have a beer at all mate ,another saw point .
its already been 119 days since my last one .but hey whos counting
only246 days until the next one .
he still isn't answering his phone , much to the delight of his mother
l just know that the meat is in the coolroom and he took the cape to the local taxidermist or at least was heading there
He's run away to Africa and you are about to get a picture of a nice Buffalo taken with your rifle.
at 19 he is still very impressionable bricko , so don't put ideas in his head
and his passport is still valid:praying:

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akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia
TAG SAFARI wrote on mvalden's profile.
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!