buck wild
AH legend
Nice trip!
Red Leg - I am a dyed in the wool bird hunter and spend a month or so in Oregon, Idaho, Montana (and hunted from Saskatchewan to MIchigan) every fall (when not hunting Africa) and live in AZ quail country. I have hunted sage grouse, blue grouse, ruffed grouse, sharptailed grouse, Franklin's grouse, and prairie greater chickensover the years. I love all our native species of grouse. I no longer shoot sage grouse, but did hunt them in a number of western states before they became so stressed in their shrinking environment. Unlike most other grouse, they are not top table fare. But what fine birds they are!Grouse are amazing birds. I have seen sage grouse twice, and actually successfully hunted prairie chicken in Kansas back in the eighties.
One of my favorite hunts is for sharp-tailed grouse out on the plains of North Eastern Montana or Saskatchewan (with a nice SxS). They hold reasonably well for good dogs, but most flushes are at 20-30 yards. It is like picking up a hard driver in the pigeon ring. Drop a double and you have done something.
If by some miracle I find myself awakening in the Elysian Fields, it will be with a good gun and my best English pointer (now gone thirty years), rather than a rifle. I still hunt south coastal Texas every January and February for gentleman Bob.Red Leg - I am a dyed in the wool bird hunter and spend a month or so in Oregon, Idaho, Montana (and hunted from Saskatchewan to MIchigan) every fall (when not hunting Africa) and live in AZ quail country. I have hunted sage grouse, blue grouse, ruffed grouse, sharptailed grouse, Franklin's grouse, and prairie greater chickensover the years. I love all our native species of grouse. I no longer shoot sage grouse, but did hunt them in a number of western states before they became so stressed in their shrinking environment. Unlike most other grouse, they are not top table fare. But what fine birds they are!
Weidmannsdank T/C. Sadly, a once in a lifetime accomplishment for most of us.Weidmannsheil zu deinem Grossen Hahn (Auerhahn) Red Leg!
Thanks for this great hunting story, the excitement and joy was tangible!
Auerhahn/capercaillie is on my to-do-list; a good friend and hunting buddy has the staircase of his house full of capercaillie trophies from his father's and great-grandfather's. Thinking about hunting it one day every time I visit him, but the permits are so rare and expensive nowadays.. well, one day!
Enjoy yours, great bird!!!
One of the options is in Sweden. (or other European northern countries)Thinking about hunting it one day every time I visit him, but the permits are so rare and expensive nowadays..