I recently acquired my first batch of Barnes .375 caliber 300gr TSX bullets, and want to work up a load for my Whitworth Express 375 H&H for a potential upcoming Nilgai hunt in South Texas. I'm trying to decide which powder to use between the different ones that I have on-hand, and I would welcome any input and opinions on the pros or cons of each. I realize that there may be even more ideal powders that are not on the list below, but would prefer to utilize what I already have if possible:
- IMR 4350 (this is my default choice - it is what I have the most of, it works great in all my other magnums, and there is a good amount of load data available for it)
- IMR 4895 (this too is a well-proven powder, and something I have a good supply of)
- Varget (I already have some hand loads for this rifle that my dad left behind using this powder and some Speer 235gr Hot-Cors, but I only have about 1/3 of a pound of this powder left)
- Hodgdon H4831 (old stock - I have a pound of this on hand, but have not personally worked up any loads with it yet)
- IMR 4451 (I understand this to be the modern, less temperature sensitve, version of IMR 4350; and it has worked well in my handloads for 243 Win, 7x57, and 270 Win. I have about 3/4 of a pound of this left).
Thanks in advance for your input.
- IMR 4350 (this is my default choice - it is what I have the most of, it works great in all my other magnums, and there is a good amount of load data available for it)
- IMR 4895 (this too is a well-proven powder, and something I have a good supply of)
- Varget (I already have some hand loads for this rifle that my dad left behind using this powder and some Speer 235gr Hot-Cors, but I only have about 1/3 of a pound of this powder left)
- Hodgdon H4831 (old stock - I have a pound of this on hand, but have not personally worked up any loads with it yet)
- IMR 4451 (I understand this to be the modern, less temperature sensitve, version of IMR 4350; and it has worked well in my handloads for 243 Win, 7x57, and 270 Win. I have about 3/4 of a pound of this left).
Thanks in advance for your input.