We have black bears around our yard at our summer cabin in Northern British Columbia almost weekly. Although bear encounters are common, we don't get complacent. Our big dog takes care of most encounters. My wife always carries pepper spray. I carry a rifle slung on my back most times. We've had to get serious about chasing away a bear that was acting like that a few times over the last twelve years, but haven't killed a nuisance bear yet.
Regarding the video, If I had no means of defence, I'd be backing out of there. If I had pepper spray, I would have used it. If I had a rifle, I would have fired a warning shot before the bear ever got that close. If he kept coming he'd be dead.
My good buddy who lives full time near our cabin has had to shoot 6 bears last year alone. He gets the call when the local game warden can't make the long distance drive to take care of a nuisance bear in the neighbourhood. Some of those problem bears have threatened people, but all started out just like that one, then progressed to breaking into cabins, killing livestock and poultry, or pets, or other assorted mayhem. It always starts with a bear that is not afraid of people.