I am in Africa so here I shoot doves and pigeons, sand grouse, francolin, spurfowl and guinea fowl...not so much waterfowl as ducks and geese so rather an allrounder and nothing too serious.It really makes a difference in what you’re after. Pass shooting geese vs ruffed grouse over a pointer. I always shoot as open a choke as I can get away with and with today’s modern shot shells you can get away with a lot. Don’t be afraid of open chokes.
As far as stock style goes, I’m gonna say a pistol grip wins the money. More control plain and simple. I know hunting and shooting clays aren’t the same thing but I don’t think many straight stocks end up in the winner’s circle.
. Exactly.Shotgunning is a 'close up' game and an athletic and instinctive sport. Having a properly fitted gun is a great help.