If your not including shipping, the price is definitely cheaper in SA and you can find some good taxis there. Once you add in shipping it really depends on what you are having done, it can work out better either way. The biggest thing that cripples NA taxis is the cost of labor and materials.
This difference is bad enough in the US but once you cross the border into Canada it gats rediculous. As an example to tan an Eland cape in SA costs me $206 + $75 dip/pack = $281 in the US $210 +$115 dip/pack = $325 in Canada $550 + $115 dip/pack = me getting my hides tanned in Africa. I dont mind paying a bit extra to keep the work at home but I refuse to comply with the "please bend over" sign on the tannery door. Thats roughly 2.5X the price of either the SA and 2X the US plus my hides weigh 30% less so shipping costs go down as well. To compete with the sticker price of a SA taxi the Canadian taxi must find a way to buy a $265 form + all the shipping, supplies and related costs with the $170 he has left to equal the SA price.
I am all for keeping business at home and I sympathaze with the local taxi who has to pay $$$ for tanning and more $$$ for expensive african forms and $$$ for shipping and duty on forms and $$$ for expensive shop labor and $$$ for expensive power, rent and utilities. They have good reason for charging the prices they do here, expenses on this side of the ocean are astronomically higher than Africa. I think NA taxis do a great job of keeping things as close as they do to African taxi + shipping costs, you need to remember that after all the mentioned costs they still have to eat too.