Just wondering where everyone gets there clothing before the big trip. I'm looking for quiet, durable, etc. for bowhunting(spot&stalk asa hunting from a hide) in Namibia. I believe the best colors are brown and green for this environment?
Thanks all
Just like Heeler75's dad, most of my hunting duds, whether for Africa or state side, comes from the second-hand stores around here.
Wherever you buy your Africa hunting clothes, just make sure that they are 100% cotton, because the camp staff will wash your laundry each and every day, usually in pretty much blistering hot water and then press the living "H. E. Double Hockey Sticks" out of it, by means of an even hotter steam iron.
Synthetic fibers will pucker right up, especially from the iron and be ruined.
No disrespect to other members and / or to the maker, as I too favor Carhartt products very much for "general use", especially for hard work outdoors.
However, many of their garments are made from perhaps at least 8 ounce weight canvas and so, are too stiff and noisy for stalking nervous animals at close range, (until they have quite a few miles and quite a high number machine washings on them).
When not yet "thoroughly broken-in", with each step they make a distinct scraping sound that is out of place in the bush.
However, Carhartt in the past (and hopefully still does), made / makes a light weight version of their otherwise excellent jeans, in more than one color, including a shade of green that's about perfect for most of Africa.
These lightweight jeans would probably be as quiet as any subptle cotton pants can be for stalking and in my personal experiences with several Carhartt garments, in 35 years of owning same, they are nearly bullet-proof.