AH enthusiast
I've been contemplating this website over the last few weeks and have once again realized that not everything is what it seems. I usually get on this website and I think that the offers on here are legitimate and great deals. I have met and spoke with many members and come to consider the owner a very honest and sincere guy. However Ive recently realized that no matter how great I think this site is that theres always going to be people trying to scam us even on this site.
For example, brickburn has talked with me many times. I've never got a bad report on him and I've grown to trust him. The same holds true for spiral horn, hartzview, johnny viever, and several other people. My problem is that I have checked into many of these peoples offers so much that I relaxed my guard. I started assuming that everything on AH was from good people.
What changed my mind was when I printed off several of my PM's from ah. I took these with me to sci reno and asked not one, or two, outfitters but many outfitters about the people in those pm's. Some of the offers in my pm were good honest offers. However about 60% were found to be scams. 3 such guys had been arrested for poaching in the last few years and half were selling hunts where the animals didn't exist. Booth after booth the answers were the same from every single outfitter. I finally came to the conclusion that these guys on ah aren't to be trusted. From what I've seen the people who post on public forums and make public offers are usually legitimate people with good offers. However if you receive offers via a pm please check up on it. Verify that it is a legitimate offer and make sure you are not taken advantage of . Just because your pm was on africahunting.com does not mean its a valid offer. It many times means they are bad offers which is why its in your pm box. If those guys aren't willing to post it in the public forums and they are only offering you their offer via pm then there may be a very good reason for it. Please check into it.
I can say that I have checked extensively into the pm's from spiral horn and hartzview offers and can honestly say they have never offered me a shady deal via pm. So there are good people but please be aware of pm's and check them with other outfitters before you act on them.
For example, brickburn has talked with me many times. I've never got a bad report on him and I've grown to trust him. The same holds true for spiral horn, hartzview, johnny viever, and several other people. My problem is that I have checked into many of these peoples offers so much that I relaxed my guard. I started assuming that everything on AH was from good people.
What changed my mind was when I printed off several of my PM's from ah. I took these with me to sci reno and asked not one, or two, outfitters but many outfitters about the people in those pm's. Some of the offers in my pm were good honest offers. However about 60% were found to be scams. 3 such guys had been arrested for poaching in the last few years and half were selling hunts where the animals didn't exist. Booth after booth the answers were the same from every single outfitter. I finally came to the conclusion that these guys on ah aren't to be trusted. From what I've seen the people who post on public forums and make public offers are usually legitimate people with good offers. However if you receive offers via a pm please check up on it. Verify that it is a legitimate offer and make sure you are not taken advantage of . Just because your pm was on africahunting.com does not mean its a valid offer. It many times means they are bad offers which is why its in your pm box. If those guys aren't willing to post it in the public forums and they are only offering you their offer via pm then there may be a very good reason for it. Please check into it.
I can say that I have checked extensively into the pm's from spiral horn and hartzview offers and can honestly say they have never offered me a shady deal via pm. So there are good people but please be aware of pm's and check them with other outfitters before you act on them.