thx for the pictures Brickburn of the buffalo skeleton, very interesting!!
as a lot of guys have noted, it has to do with the speed of the arrow that the bow produces, not the poundage of the bow.
I have a 75 lb Bowtech Destroyer 350 that throws out a 700 grain arrow at an amazing 280 feet per second.
Arrow Weight: 700 grains / Arrow Speed: 280 fps
Kinetic Energy: 121.84 FOOT-POUNDS
Momentum: 0.87 SLUGS
I would be curious to see what speeds, KE and momentum I could get with a +950 grain arrow.
The Destroyer produces arrow speeds 3% faster than my Monster MR6 - 80 lb bow.
My Destroyer is a dream to draw and shoot compared to the Monster.
Spend the time to use a chronograph and check your arrow and speed, it may surprise you.
I hope to one day hunt a buffalo, so great info on these forums, thanks to all for your posts.
I am heading back for my 3rd trip to Namibia this May!