Cervus elaphus
AH fanatic
There's not a lot of NZ flora and fauna that I haven't eaten at some stage, and living in the bush of both islands, I got to know how to supplement my tucker box with local stuff. My Maori friends helped me a lot in the gathering of bush tucker.
One of the most useful plants I had was the coastal kawakawa leaf, used for medicine and emergency tea when the good stuff ran out. I mixed this with the inner bark of the manuka or ti tree.
The native fuchsia tree (konini) with it's berries is a great tucker but you have to beat the possums to the fruit and they take the young shoots as well. On the south island's west coast you can see the dead fuchsia trees sticking out of the bush like skeletons.
Still in the lowland forests there is the supplejack vine, a curse most of the time, but a great food source with its berries and young shoots.
I confess I never took a cabbage tree palm heart, although it's a great food source, but when you take the heart you kill the tree.
In the many creeks rivers and streams of the bush I found freshwater crayfish (koura) and these are easy to catch and a great source of protein. Up in Nelson we used to catch them using a small bike wheel with a cloth cover and bits of meat. This was left in a pool for an hour and then carefully brought back up with the crayfish attached. A fire was lit on the beach and the catch cooked on hot stones. Eels were plentiful and easy to catch although I prefer them smoked.
Huhu grubs (Witchetty in Australia) I've eaten plenty of, but you need dead pine trees for them. Yep, they taste like sawdust, even when cooked, but a great source of protein. One of the most prolific lowland bush tuckers is the humble bracken or pig fern, the roots are high in starch and easy to cook up. Last and not least is the puha or sow thistle that grows on ground after a fire. The young leaves are the best and these are rubbed to break up the fibre (takes out the bitterness) before cooking and tastes like spinach. Puha is almost a necessity of Maori cooking.
There are poisonous plants out there too, like the tutu bush. A story I heard about this plant was when a circus was travelling through the back country of the north island and there were elephants in an open top transporter. The convoy stopped for some reason near a steep bank and the elephants grabbed a snack. Some of that snack contained tutu and several elephants died.
Australia has a lot of bush tucker but I'm not familiar with it apart from the huhu grub, I'm sure the hunter-gatherer Aboriginal community could teach us a lot.
One of the most useful plants I had was the coastal kawakawa leaf, used for medicine and emergency tea when the good stuff ran out. I mixed this with the inner bark of the manuka or ti tree.
The native fuchsia tree (konini) with it's berries is a great tucker but you have to beat the possums to the fruit and they take the young shoots as well. On the south island's west coast you can see the dead fuchsia trees sticking out of the bush like skeletons.
Still in the lowland forests there is the supplejack vine, a curse most of the time, but a great food source with its berries and young shoots.
I confess I never took a cabbage tree palm heart, although it's a great food source, but when you take the heart you kill the tree.
In the many creeks rivers and streams of the bush I found freshwater crayfish (koura) and these are easy to catch and a great source of protein. Up in Nelson we used to catch them using a small bike wheel with a cloth cover and bits of meat. This was left in a pool for an hour and then carefully brought back up with the crayfish attached. A fire was lit on the beach and the catch cooked on hot stones. Eels were plentiful and easy to catch although I prefer them smoked.
Huhu grubs (Witchetty in Australia) I've eaten plenty of, but you need dead pine trees for them. Yep, they taste like sawdust, even when cooked, but a great source of protein. One of the most prolific lowland bush tuckers is the humble bracken or pig fern, the roots are high in starch and easy to cook up. Last and not least is the puha or sow thistle that grows on ground after a fire. The young leaves are the best and these are rubbed to break up the fibre (takes out the bitterness) before cooking and tastes like spinach. Puha is almost a necessity of Maori cooking.
There are poisonous plants out there too, like the tutu bush. A story I heard about this plant was when a circus was travelling through the back country of the north island and there were elephants in an open top transporter. The convoy stopped for some reason near a steep bank and the elephants grabbed a snack. Some of that snack contained tutu and several elephants died.
Australia has a lot of bush tucker but I'm not familiar with it apart from the huhu grub, I'm sure the hunter-gatherer Aboriginal community could teach us a lot.