Two suggestions/recommendations:
1. You can get a super quality point and shoot for less than $300. Point it and shoot and it will take great photos. Your tracker can use it, heck your 6 year old can use it and you will get great pics. I'm partial to Nikon, just because the quality of the lens glass is a bit better than Canon, but you won't go wrong with either. You are, however, going to be limited to the lens it comes with which leads to
2. You can purchase an excellent digital SLR, new for $400-$500 with a 50 or 55mm lens. The advantage is you can purchase different lens size, which may not make much difference to you. You can set the digital SLR to take pics in the same mode as a point and shoot, so again, pretty much anyone can take pics with it. If you want more flexibility, chang lens, etc., consider a DSLR. Again, I use a NIkon D40 w/50-300mm zoom lens; the body is probably 6 years old. I shot Canon for almost 30 years but when I went to a DSLR, the quality of the Nikon lens is just above anything else. You pay a bit more, but even for an amateur, I think it is worth it. I've never had a problem with my Nikon and if you buy a Canon, would be surprised if you have a problem. Quality on both is excellent.
I can tell you many outdoor writers who need reliable pics of their hunt for their articles, use $200 point and shoot. Good photo editing software helps alot also!
I'm no pro, just an interested amateur