So if I don't have a kudu on my wall and make a post about it at this very moment then me commenting on other threads is apparently out of place? So much for the "greatest hunting forum" on earth. I'm actually trying to learn from people but apparently, nearly everyone here (with a few exceptions) is too much of a stubborn old fart to give a damn about newbies. If I sound annoyed it's because I am. Seriously, I didn't provoke you or anyone else here to warrant rude and stand-off-ish behaviour but I guess that's what you gents thrive off of. Believe it or not, I don't have money that I can just magically pull out my ass and go on an expedition in the Congo. All of the trips I plan to go on to take up a lot of time and effort so I'm sorry that I don't have a world record duiker hanging on my wall. Hunting is not about bragging rights, it's about the passion of the chase and the reward in the end. I shouldn't have to shoot a nice old eland or kudu bull to warrant respect. Even if a hunt was offered to me for free that wouldn't mean I could just hop in my car and harvest the animals by next week.
As for WWF not being an animal welfare group, fine, but for a well known and highly respected organization to acknowledge trophy hunting as a valuable conservation model is pretty significant. Again my point is that there's a difference between wanting animals to be treated ethically and not wanting them to be interacted with at all.