Have seen this multiple times, where another bull returns to the other, on two occasions the returning bull paid no attention to us and severely mauled the bellowing bull.
I have never though shot the second, I also don't believe this bull (the second was shot in self defense, as it was still to far away) but rather as a second tag.
Cool footage though.
My best always
The scenario you describe happened to my prize when I knocked down the buffalo shown in my avatar, for the 2nd and final time.
One of the other bulls that had been more or less running with him, after he picked himself up from my 1st shot, came back immediately after my 2nd shot and began repeatedly bashing the dead bull hard enough to rock the carcass a bit but not quite roll it over.
The PH (Hannes Swanepoel) is a calm person by nature (all you PH's are refreshingly calm people) and just quietly instructed me to "load both barrels with solids" and "do not shoot unless I do".
This carcass bashing was over a hundred yds away so, there really was no immediate threat to us.
I had already reloaded two solids and so I just said "I already have" and/or "I understand" or something like that.
Upon watching this video clip, it occurred to me the 2nd bull was not after the hunting party but only interested in his fallen comrade, exactly as my one and only buffalo shooting experience had been.
However, I didn't post on it here for fear that mine was a one in a million experience and this video perhaps really was showing a charge at the hunter (even though it did not look like it to me).
Again, I have but one experience with buffalo hunting.
Now that you have said it looked like a charge only at the fallen one, you have emboldened me to come out of the closet with my opinion - LOL.
And, my opinion mirrors yours on this except that it did not occur to me until you mentioned it that possibly if not probably, a second tag was being filled.
I had presumed the client had simply fired into an animal that was not really after him or any member of his hunting party, only after the downed bull.
Another tag being filled does make perfect sense though, now that you mention it.
I once saw a farmyard rooster do the same to a freshly slaughtered rooster.
I guess they figure - "I couldn't whip him in life but while he's dead I bet I can!"
Thanks for validating my single buffalo hunting observation.
Kind Regards,
Velo Dog.