He can say what he wants.........but maybe he should get the facts correct first.
His black parents did not want him.
The white people who took him in, gave him everything, also raised him in an upper class(privileged) environment. In short he was a spoiled kid with all the benefits and perks. I know he was raised where I live.
He protests cops killing blacks.......let us get the facts correct
More whites/Hispanics are killed by cops than blacks.
Most often a person is killed by a cop when they are armed and threaten or try to kill the cop...........be them black-white-brown-yellow-green or purple
Most blacks killed are by other blacks.
Very few blacks are killed by whites.
A large number of whites are killed by blacks.
Maybe when you are going a criminal act and the police catch you should cooperate and not try to hurt/kill them and get away. Then YOU will not force them to hurt/kill you. Seems pretty simple. Also maybe if you do not do the criminal act the LE will not even bother you........novel idea.
Most all(maybe all) those that are blocking traffic, rioting, burning buildings/cars, looting, calling for the killing of LE and generally causing trouble are democraps.
Every single one of the mass killing nutcases have been members of the democrap party.
Places such as Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans that have the highest crime/killing rate have all been controlled by the democrap party for many years. Many of them black politicians and with a high percent of black population.
Maybe it is time to outlaw the democrap party??
Bottom line is maybe he should stand up, shut up, just play football, collect his $19million, live in his expensive house, drive his expensive car, stop crapping on the white couple who raised him with things I could never give my daughter(except better values) and consider himself lucky that a couple of white people took him in and did not suppress him. Better yet maybe it is too bad they took him in and turned out a ungrateful spoiled brat that never grew up. If they had not he just might be in prison for crimes he would have done having a you owe me and then I crap on you attitude.
Just remember before you attack me that I watched him grow up here in Turlock. He felt initialed then
My 2 Cents