Sorry for sounding like an idiot but what bill has Connecticut passed? Been busy for the past few months and haven't paid much attention to US regulations and what-not.
I'm thinking it's not worth my time to research whatever bs the Connecticut state legislature passed as it would not be worth the paper it is printed on. While they may feel better for having passed something, it would have no force of law in any African country. Unless I am mistaken, the state would not be able to restrict any importation of a trophy from Africa either; that is a Federal arena.
Neocolonialist? eco-colonialist? I always thought Liberals hated colonialism. Guess when it suits their purpose, they not only don't hate it, they embrace and love it.
But if someone can answer the question asked above as to what they actually passed, it might provide some entertainment value. It obviously upset the gent in the video enough it took 2 tries to do the clip. But he never really expounded on what was passed. Or if the Gov'nor signed it...
Well, asked and answered, quickly! Thanks Brent in AZ.
The article did answer 1 question, that of a legal trophy importation being allowed. But the whole concept of this type of legislation really does point out the arrogance and ignorance of the body that passed it. Glad to see the Zambian government speaking up and pointing out the detrimental effect of these bans.
Connecticut Senate passed a bill that prohibits the importation, sale, or possession of trophies from what Duff called the big 6 - lion, elephant, leopard, white rhino, black rhino, or giraffe.
If you read his PR piece about it above, I hope you have a strong stomach because it is nauseating tripe.
I'm really not sure why these types of legislation aren't considered a form of sanctioning. They're put in place with the knowledge that they can potentially cause devastating economic ramifications to said African country (all of them in this case). If they keep making these laws in the UK, US and Canada then Africa will, unfortunately, look to China and Russia for business relations. If that ever happens (which I hope doesn't) then they'll only have themselves to blame.
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