I guess my PhD thesis should get me a life sentence in prison.
When I went on college, there was one day scandal at university!
This was typing machine era. Before the dawn of computer and internet age.
Early 90-ies.
Then, it was costumery (not me) that to make a final thesis before getting a degree, student would go to university library, he would take the same thesis of one of the students from earlier generation, then he would make a simple copy paste transcript, by typing machine, and, voila!. the thesis was done!
Piece of cake - easy peasy!
So one day, by pure accident, three graduation students came, with same thesis, same title, transcripted to the last letter, in the same hour infront of the board.
That was so obvious to the board, so they had to fail.

(they were given second chance though, with formal warning)
Fast forward (to many years fast forward) till now.
My son is at college now.
No way this could happen again.
Now, students submit all of their works, and the works are screened by some software, and any plagiarism is immediately identified. Then the work is not accepted by board.
Intermediate years between my time and my sons time.
Some high profile politicians made plagiarisms, on their PHD or in their degree thesis.
Basically many of them managed to get some university or college degree by transcription of other peoples work (or even PHD). They were at the time of their very late life studies already busy politicians, so they had to manage without loosing too much time. They just needed a quick diploma to brag in the public
But when the this software came out, them being high profile persons, their plagiarisms were screened by software, they were tagged and many lost their degrees in a blink, followed by newspaper headline scandals.