As you can see by Life-Form's own samples, some skulls are cut, some are full upper skulls as in the kudu example. I agree with Brickburn's assessment about the sable and angle also BTW. I don't think there is a certain name/label to describe the cut skull option. In the US,
Euro is normally accepted as the full upper skull. If you want them cut, just let them know.
For a slight history lesson, which you didn't ask for

. the "Euro mount" label is taken from the style of horn/antler mount that was common in Europe. Interestingly, that style was the exact way you are requesting. A half upper skull normally attached to an adorned carved wood plaque. As it become popular in the US, the Euro tag was associated with a full skull, not the cut version. Maybe not a surprise, but the US bastardized the name and style

. That is my understanding of the Euro Mount history for what its worth.