Albert GRANT
AH elite
Checking to see what the interest would be in this. Got the idea from Matt85's Searcy thread.
We home school our kids, which my wife does a blog about. It's called highland heritage home school. In Maine, even though we home school, we have to pay in $1500/yr taxes to the local school district which we don't use. This is a major cut of what we could use for schooling funds. Recently the boys have requested blacksmithing and real art classes. We had not planned for this, therefor do not have the funds for it. My wife's father gratiously said he would donate his .416 for a raffle if we could make it work. He aquired it years ago in a large multi person trade and has never shot it other than to confirm it worked properly and that was enough for him. It is in very good condition- I doubt anyone on here would have any gripes over it, put it that way!
If there is enough interest we will set it up. To save Jerome any headaches, we will not do anything through AH other than announce the start of it, post pictures and contact details for outside of AH. I was thinking 100 tickets at $25. This should cover an 8 week blacksmith course and about 20 weeks of act classes. Payment could be made by paypal, MO, or personal check and the drawing would be after the last ticket was sold. After receiving payment I would take a picture of your name on the raffle ticket (s) and send it to you so you knew it was in the bucket.
Please let me know if this seems feasible or if it's a crazy idea and I'm dreaming. Figured it wouldn't hurt to put it out there at any rate- willing to do most anything to give my kids the tools they need in life.
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