AH fanatic
Gents, I consistently laugh at paying actual American currency to shoot a "medium size" Whitetail that's around 150. That is a bit of hyperbole but, really, why would anyone pay to shoot a 130-160 5x5, 6x6; whatever? I get the idea that a farm has a cost to create a monster; they should be compensated if its farmed to a certain size. Point being, in the south (or S TX), just phone a friend an shoot whatever. There are 160s in yards daily. shooting bigger in a "guaranteed" situation seem much less fun than working hard for a deer in the back 40 . . .or taking a 150 out of my son's playhouse that i did last season in the middle of the city (bow). Fundamentally, I just find troubling the idea of paying someone to shoot a whitetail. Above 200 is a different story, but also a different "hunt" in most situations. This may not be a popular position . . . . whatever. The big boys just eat with the cows.