Looking for a place to teach and hog hunt outside the US..
I've lived in Texas most my life and love hog hunting. I'm currently in Alaska and love it, but, have not found the right place to put my roots down, so, I want to chase another dream, that is teaching/hunting in another part of the world.
I've looked at Africa and it seems a possibility, but, I've heard that New Zealand is great for hog hunting.
So, I"m looking for other prospects where I can teach, live and hunt!
Remote is fine with me!
On teh hogs, holy cow, they are hurting the deer population in Texas by eating up teh acorns adn driving them out of places...the islands have lots of deer now on teh lakes..., the hogs eat up the snake eggs around the sloughs so we dont see as many snakes inland as use too...mostly the snakes I see these days on on the steep banked rivers...adn i've had lots more luck calling in deer with a hog grunt than deer!!!!...For real, they get HOT, SNORTING mad when i hit the hog grunt with some hog urine on my kotex that hangs off my old shotgun!...they will stomp, snort and come up to me as a herd, but, it's hard to get a shot off with 15 deer looking at your every move...they are in competition for the acorns...I've seen 3 ft holes that looked like a bomb hit it, perfectly shaped, one after another, seeking teh big grub worms we have in teh clay earth in north texas...
Hopefully, i can find a place to raise hog dogs again....
Hope to see some ideas on where else to move, i'm on teh africa and new zealand forums as of now...got til march to make up my mind...