DSC Questions Answered


AH ambassador
Mar 20, 2016
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DSC Life Member, SCI, International Member PHASA
Several of the lower 48, Alaska, South Africa, Ireland, Argentina, Peru
I apologize in advance for what I know is going to be a long winded post...

I was super happy to see @Dave Fulson join here at AH recently. I’ve known Dave for a long time, basically ever since my wife and I became DSC life members years ago. While we aren’t the best of friends, I do feel like I know him well.. Over the years we interfaced at countless monthly meetings, my wife and I also participated in a couple of different events at his home, and also had chances to catch up at other DSC events over the years.

In a nutshell, I know him to be a good man. He’s always been very direct, honest, and straight forward with me about anything we’ve ever talked about. I trust whatever he tells me to be true.

Anyone on AH that knows me, or has attended events at my home, or spent time with at AH dinners, etc. (lots of you) knows I have been pretty open about concerns related to DSC over the last few years. To be clear, Atlanta wasn’t the first decision made by DSC that caught my attention or was bothersome to me (although I know it has tended to be the biggest DSC talking point here on AH for many people over the last year). Ive had questions about how DSC makes decisions, why those decisions are being made, who is driving those decisions, etc since maybe 2019 (pre-COVID).

Once Corey came on board I thought I saw a good bit of positive, progressive change happening. Most of the concerns I had prior became much less prevalent. I saw some really smart people coming forward more frequently, and getting more deeply involved in the organization (Dave Fulson was among them). I saw Corey stepping into some gaps that had never really been filled (IMO) with the prior Executive Director. So I became a bit less vocal.

Then suddenly it felt like a train wreck occurred out of nowhere a couple of years ago. For no reason that I could come up with or understand numerous board members resigned, and a President resigned, among other officers.. Yet nothing was messaged or discussed with any of the membership to my knowledge to let anyone know what had happened, or why.

Then the ATL decision came out.. lots of people had LOTS of questions and concerns, and DSC appeared to do little or nothing other than release a couple of short videos to explain anything all the way until after the show belly flopped in January, despite several key people being very public about concerns..

Corey then left the organization in the middle of last year, catching much of the board completely off guard (as I understand it). That wasn’t messaged with membership either.

In the absence of information, people tend to come to their own conclusions and the rumor mill flies out of control. For months people openly discussed Coreys “termination” for example (clearly this was not true at all.. he resigned..).. but again, DSC did nothing to let people know anything about what was going on, or why.

At some point there was a major falling out between DSC and Dave Fulsons company Safari Classics. This was a HUGE indicator of a much deeper problem that I hadnt possibly seen before. The fact that I didn’t know anything about it until long after it happened is a pretty strong indicator of both me at that point becoming disengaged with DSC over the prior few years (largely because of the above), and DSC’s continued lack of messaging or communicating with membership..

Again, I’ve known Dave a long time. I know that Safari Classics and DSC have had a relationship that spans more than 20 years, that SC has been the primary (maybe only?) messaging and marketing arm of DSC for as long as Ive been around the organization. I know that MANY of the very popular and very fruitful initiatives DSC has undertaken over the years were the brain child of SC, and that the relationship was much more of a true partnership than a “vendor” relationship. I honestly didn’t think that as long as Dave and Tim were alive that there would ever be any separation between DSC and SC. I believed them to be so tightly intertwined that SC was really operating more as an arm to DSC than it was a different entity. But now we see Tracks Across Africa with an SCI logo attached rather than a DSC logo.

Kudo’s to SCI by the way in picking Tracks Across Africa up. That was a brilliant move on their part I believe (much like their move with TTHA at Kay Bailey). If DSC is going to create voids, Im forever thankful that SCI is filling them rather than someone else. Especially when it comes to conservation or hunting minded efforts.

The new CEO has told membership hes going to continue to communicate about corrective actions the organization is taking (the commitment was to reach out with additional information by the end of January or early February.. but, here we are in early March and no such communication has occurred)..

There are numerous questions about why the 5 people that were put forward by the steering committee that provides board candidates were who was chosen… That hasn’t been communicated either (although I will concede that DSC has never really done a good job at this.. this is not something new)..

I could go on and on and on..

And I should reiterate.. myself and others on AH that have expressed concerns several times have always stated, the concerns are because we love the organization, and want it to succeed.. not because anyone wishes anything ill for DSC.. Its clear that LOTS of people involved in DSC are unhappy.. but no one can seem to deduce if DSC really cares or intends to do anything about it. All people want is to understand what is going on in the organization and why. I don’t think its unreasonable that people that donate time, money, energy, and effort to a global conservation organization be advised about what the board is doing and why they are doing it. A board does have a fiduciary responsibility after all.

Anyway, all of that led me to picking up the phone and having a very long call with Dave Fulson recently (after a few years of no communication)..

With the recent debacle of how voting for the board has been managed the past few weeks, I just couldn’t stand it any longer. I needed to have a better understanding of where DSC actually is, where it is going, and why.. And one of the real burning question s for me was “Why is Tracks Across Africa now sponsored by SCI? I thought it would never be sponsored by anyone other than DSC.”.

Dave is (was) far more of an insider and knowledgeable than I ever have been regarding DSC. He and his business partner have served on multiple boards with DSC, and again, his business relationship with DSC spans more than 2 decades, and I know he is deeply involved in industry and knows leadership at many of the major conservation and hunting organizations (SCI, Wild Sheep,etc) and several of the supporting industries like ammunition and firearms, etc.. hes far and away the most connected person I personally know across conservation and international hunting..

Without going into all of the details of what amounted to more than a 2+ hour phone call. Most of my questions I believe are now answered. Sadly, I really don’t like what I have learned. There seem to be a number of very purposeful steps and actions that have been taken that have led us to where we are. I suppose others may think this is positive, and that’s why DSC is doing what they are doing (essentially desiring to revert to being a “Hunting Club” as opposed to a “Conservation Organization”). Im not among them though.

Dave did say he’s happy to talk to anyone else that has questions though, and that he would answer them as honestly and as directly as he can, which is the purpose for me posting this thread. I figure there are a lot of people here on AH that have expressed the same questions and concerns that would probably like to have some answers as well, but don’t know anyone personally that really knows what is happening or why, or that has had a front row seat to most of the activity. Dave definitely spent many, many years sitting on the front row.
Thank you for sharing. I made the decision 20 years ago to become a life member of multiple organizations, DSC among them. I’ve only attended the convention twice. What I’ve found over the years is that the print sent out has so few articles and all ads that it typically gets dumped straight into the recycle bin. This may seem trite but I can’t even buy a DSC hat - the answer I get is we sell them at the convention

I now rely solely on this site and its members to feel a sense of community and track what is happening in Africa. I suspect the only reason for me to attend a convention in the future will be to get together with the AH community.
I apologize in advance for what I know is going to be a long winded post...

I was super happy to see @Dave Fulson join here at AH recently. I’ve known Dave for a long time, basically ever since my wife and I became DSC life members years ago. While we aren’t the best of friends, I do feel like I know him well.. Over the years we interfaced at countless monthly meetings, my wife and I also participated in a couple of different events at his home, and also had chances to catch up at other DSC events over the years.
Without going into all of the details of what amounted to more than a 2+ hour phone call. Most of my questions I believe are now answered. Sadly, I really don’t like what I have learned. There seem to be a number of very purposeful steps and actions that have been taken that have led us to where we are. I suppose others may think this is positive, and that’s why DSC is doing what they are doing (essentially desiring to revert to being a “Hunting Club” as opposed to a “Conservation Organization”). Im not among them though.

Dave did say he’s happy to talk to anyone else that has questions though, and that he would answer them as honestly and as directly as he can, which is the purpose for me posting this thread. I figure there are a lot of people here on AH that have expressed the same questions and concerns that would probably like to have some answers as well, but don’t know anyone personally that really knows what is happening or why, or that has had a front row seat to most of the activity. Dave definitely spent many, many years sitting on the front row.
@mdwest Dave,
I am very appreciative of your continued informed and factual posts. Frankly, I had no idea who @Dave Fulson was other than his introduction. This is a big community but not so separated when members share publically and/or privately much needed information.

Thank you for your continued support to AH members old and new. I have over 25 AH members in my phone contacts with whom I've shared technical information, experiances, ideas, and even discussed like gentlemen issues that we will likely never agree on.

Wise men do not have to always agree to respect each other. With you I am in agreement 98+% of the time.


Thank you for taking the time to share this information, you have single handedly conveyed more information in this post than DSC has in years.

I should have read the writing on the wall when they screwed up my life membership and I had to call them up and have them rerun my credit card for the $1,500 membership.... Which I would hot have purchased to be a part of a "hunting club" and certainly wouldn't have purchased the lifetime membership if I knew they were moving the show to Atlanta the next year!

Then looking into the candidates for board members was a real eye opener, of the 5 candidates we were supposed to vote for 3..... I only voted for 1.

I can only hope that DSC will overcome the internal issues they are facing and revert to the conservation group that I thought I was joining.
"There seem to be a number of very purposeful steps and actions that have been taken "

I would like to hear what those steps were, who was the instigator and who on the board voted for them.
@mdwest Thank you for sharing Dave.
If DSC has decided to become a hunting club, they’ve actually decided to become irrelevant. There won’t be a need for hunting clubs once hunting is outlawed.

The two proven ways to prevent that from happening are: 1) leadership in the conservation of wildlife and their environments, and 2) vigorous lobbying on behalf of hunters and science-based wildlife management. DSC had staked out #1 as there reason for existing and SCI chose #2. This was an incredibly effective dual approach.

Now, who will be our champion of conservation?
If DSC has decided to become a hunting club, they’ve actually decided to become irrelevant. There won’t be a need for hunting clubs once hunting is outlawed.

The two proven ways to prevent that from happening are: 1) leadership in the conservation of wildlife and their environments, and 2) vigorous lobbying on behalf of hunters and science-based wildlife management. DSC had staked out #1 as there reason for existing and SCI chose #2. This was an incredibly effective dual approach.

Now, who will be our champion of conservation?

Apparently, SCI will have to do both.
So sad to hear this.

All I will say is that it is still a membership organization and the members who don’t like this direction have an opportunity. It is too late this year but the concerned members can band together and elect board members who share their vision.

While it is too late for this year now is the time to think about next year. I don’t know how many DSC members there are on this site but if we were to coalesce around one or two board member candidates and only vote for them in the next election and encourage friends to do so we might get them elected.

I’m willing to pledge to do that. That’s probably the only way to impact change. If that doesn’t work I’m not sure what will.
Thank you for sharing. I made the decision 20 years ago to become a life member of multiple organizations, DSC among them. I’ve only attended the convention twice. What I’ve found over the years is that the print sent out has so few articles and all ads that it typically gets dumped straight into the recycle bin. This may seem trite but I can’t even buy a DSC hat - the answer I get is we sell them at the convention

I now rely solely on this site and its members to feel a sense of community and track what is happening in Africa. I suspect the only reason for me to attend a convention in the future will be to get together with the AH community.
I apologize in advance for what I know is going to be a long winded post...

I was super happy to see @Dave Fulson join here at AH recently. I’ve known Dave for a long time, basically ever since my wife and I became DSC life members years ago. While we aren’t the best of friends, I do feel like I know him well.. Over the years we interfaced at countless monthly meetings, my wife and I also participated in a couple of different events at his home, and also had chances to catch up at other DSC events over the years.

In a nutshell, I know him to be a good man. He’s always been very direct, honest, and straight forward with me about anything we’ve ever talked about. I trust whatever he tells me to be true.

Anyone on AH that knows me, or has attended events at my home, or spent time with at AH dinners, etc. (lots of you) knows I have been pretty open about concerns related to DSC over the last few years. To be clear, Atlanta wasn’t the first decision made by DSC that caught my attention or was bothersome to me (although I know it has tended to be the biggest DSC talking point here on AH for many people over the last year). Ive had questions about how DSC makes decisions, why those decisions are being made, who is driving those decisions, etc since maybe 2019 (pre-COVID).

Once Corey came on board I thought I saw a good bit of positive, progressive change happening. Most of the concerns I had prior became much less prevalent. I saw some really smart people coming forward more frequently, and getting more deeply involved in the organization (Dave Fulson was among them). I saw Corey stepping into some gaps that had never really been filled (IMO) with the prior Executive Director. So I became a bit less vocal.

Then suddenly it felt like a train wreck occurred out of nowhere a couple of years ago. For no reason that I could come up with or understand numerous board members resigned, and a President resigned, among other officers.. Yet nothing was messaged or discussed with any of the membership to my knowledge to let anyone know what had happened, or why.

Then the ATL decision came out.. lots of people had LOTS of questions and concerns, and DSC appeared to do little or nothing other than release a couple of short videos to explain anything all the way until after the show belly flopped in January, despite several key people being very public about concerns..

Corey then left the organization in the middle of last year, catching much of the board completely off guard (as I understand it). That wasn’t messaged with membership either.

In the absence of information, people tend to come to their own conclusions and the rumor mill flies out of control. For months people openly discussed Coreys “termination” for example (clearly this was not true at all.. he resigned..).. but again, DSC did nothing to let people know anything about what was going on, or why.

At some point there was a major falling out between DSC and Dave Fulsons company Safari Classics. This was a HUGE indicator of a much deeper problem that I hadnt possibly seen before. The fact that I didn’t know anything about it until long after it happened is a pretty strong indicator of both me at that point becoming disengaged with DSC over the prior few years (largely because of the above), and DSC’s continued lack of messaging or communicating with membership..

Again, I’ve known Dave a long time. I know that Safari Classics and DSC have had a relationship that spans more than 20 years, that SC has been the primary (maybe only?) messaging and marketing arm of DSC for as long as Ive been around the organization. I know that MANY of the very popular and very fruitful initiatives DSC has undertaken over the years were the brain child of SC, and that the relationship was much more of a true partnership than a “vendor” relationship. I honestly didn’t think that as long as Dave and Tim were alive that there would ever be any separation between DSC and SC. I believed them to be so tightly intertwined that SC was really operating more as an arm to DSC than it was a different entity. But now we see Tracks Across Africa with an SCI logo attached rather than a DSC logo.

Kudo’s to SCI by the way in picking Tracks Across Africa up. That was a brilliant move on their part I believe (much like their move with TTHA at Kay Bailey). If DSC is going to create voids, Im forever thankful that SCI is filling them rather than someone else. Especially when it comes to conservation or hunting minded efforts.

The new CEO has told membership hes going to continue to communicate about corrective actions the organization is taking (the commitment was to reach out with additional information by the end of January or early February.. but, here we are in early March and no such communication has occurred)..

There are numerous questions about why the 5 people that were put forward by the steering committee that provides board candidates were who was chosen… That hasn’t been communicated either (although I will concede that DSC has never really done a good job at this.. this is not something new)..

I could go on and on and on..

And I should reiterate.. myself and others on AH that have expressed concerns several times have always stated, the concerns are because we love the organization, and want it to succeed.. not because anyone wishes anything ill for DSC.. Its clear that LOTS of people involved in DSC are unhappy.. but no one can seem to deduce if DSC really cares or intends to do anything about it. All people want is to understand what is going on in the organization and why. I don’t think its unreasonable that people that donate time, money, energy, and effort to a global conservation organization be advised about what the board is doing and why they are doing it. A board does have a fiduciary responsibility after all.

Anyway, all of that led me to picking up the phone and having a very long call with Dave Fulson recently (after a few years of no communication)..

With the recent debacle of how voting for the board has been managed the past few weeks, I just couldn’t stand it any longer. I needed to have a better understanding of where DSC actually is, where it is going, and why.. And one of the real burning question s for me was “Why is Tracks Across Africa now sponsored by SCI? I thought it would never be sponsored by anyone other than DSC.”.

Dave is (was) far more of an insider and knowledgeable than I ever have been regarding DSC. He and his business partner have served on multiple boards with DSC, and again, his business relationship with DSC spans more than 2 decades, and I know he is deeply involved in industry and knows leadership at many of the major conservation and hunting organizations (SCI, Wild Sheep,etc) and several of the supporting industries like ammunition and firearms, etc.. hes far and away the most connected person I personally know across conservation and international hunting..

Without going into all of the details of what amounted to more than a 2+ hour phone call. Most of my questions I believe are now answered. Sadly, I really don’t like what I have learned. There seem to be a number of very purposeful steps and actions that have been taken that have led us to where we are. I suppose others may think this is positive, and that’s why DSC is doing what they are doing (essentially desiring to revert to being a “Hunting Club” as opposed to a “Conservation Organization”). Im not among them though.

Dave did say he’s happy to talk to anyone else that has questions though, and that he would answer them as honestly and as directly as he can, which is the purpose for me posting this thread. I figure there are a lot of people here on AH that have expressed the same questions and concerns that would probably like to have some answers as well, but don’t know anyone personally that really knows what is happening or why, or that has had a front row seat to most of the activity. Dave definitely spent many, many years sitting on the front row.
Dave, I greatly enjoyed our call, even though much of the subject matter is still difficult to discuss, and at times still hard to believe as it relates to an organization I, my company and so many good people worked so hard to support and advance a Mission we so strongly believed in. As you said, our company Safari Classics Productions enjoyed a 20+ year business relationship with DSC which began with their Title sponsorship of our Tracks Across Africa TV series on Outdoor Channel. It then grew to include sponsorship of our two subsequent series Hornadys Dark and Dangerous and Trijicons World Of Sports Afield series on Sportsman's Channel.

Eventually that business relationship grew to include a marketing and messaging contract with the DSC Foundation, soon followed by a similar contract with DSC proper that started soon after the hiring of Executive Director Corey Mason, who's job description eventually became CEO of the organization. Over the last twenty years we have served approximately 15 different Presidents, several Executive Directors and eventually one CEO, Corey Mason. Our relationships with each, as well as their boards has been intimate, well documented and successful on many levels. During those times, Safari Classics has never been referred to by any other title than 'Inseparable Partners" to DSC.
I have given heart, soul, time, treasure and talent in support of DSC and its Foundation through work on boards and comitteeies. I served as a featured writer in their publication Game Trails, and conducted countless seminars and appearances at DSC events.

Our relationship with CEO Corey Mason was as close on a professional and personal basis as any we have ever enjoyed. DSC hit the lottery when they chose Corey to lead the organization. Under his leadership SCP worked tirelessly to grow from what was seen as a statewide hunting organization to an International leader on the worlds Conservation stage. It was he who approved the now famous tagline CONSERVATION THROUGH HUNTING, which became the centerpiece branding message of much of our successful messaging campaigns. Corey Mason had a clear vision, and worked tirelessly to turn the Queen Mary ( those who wanted the 1980 DSC 'Good old boys club that dominated the boards year after year, to a board that brought a diverse and professional perspective to their board positions. He desired, sought and eventually created the finest board that DSC had ever enjoyed.

This new generation board consisted of several outdoor industry leaders, CEO's of major outdoor brands, business professionals with immense board experience, lawyers, and entrepreneurs who understood marketing. Under Coreys leadership, new boards became WORKING BOARDS, with goals and expectations. This upgrade in board positions, all voted on by the membership bye the way, began to rankle past leaders, some of who, in my personal opinion, were far more interested in maintaining a sense of power and relevance, over supporting the clubs new direction and upwards trajectory to a leadership position on the world conservation stage.

During these years of inspired leadership, DSC became a powerful influence on Capitol Hill, and in the halls of power of many foreign countries who not only courted, but counted on DSC's leadership at international stages such as CITIES, CIC, FACE and many others. I will forever be proud of our companies participation in that growth. Under Coreys direction, we brought our stories, Mission and successes to life for the world to see. I will always be grateful for those years of collaboration!

But even as this unprecedented growth was underway, old resentments, underfed egos and thirst for personal power and recognition began to grow into the cancer that has now crippled the DSC, and many of you loved.

The tipping point came as Corey, at the strong recommendation from their excellent Government Affairs Director in DC, decided to distance from a Hunting Achievement Award long called the OHAA ( Outstanding Hunter Achievement Award) long presented at DSC Conventions. As stated in their own literature, this award had no conservation component, it is simply a body count, score driven award. DSC has for several years began focusing on Conservation based awards, including awards to recognize outstanding service in that field, as well as recognizing legislative leaders who support outdoors people and hunters.

As the Japanese Admiral famously said after the attack on Pear Harbor, " I am afraid we have awakened the sleeping giant." DSC and Corey, by attempting to distance from a body count hunting award had now "awakened the sleeping giant egos." A board meeting was called, and suddenly people who were rarely seen came out of the DSC woodwork to howl down the separation of DSC from the OHAA award. Corey made a passionate plea, supported by opinion polls and statistic data that showed the complete lack of support for such awards had with the public, most hunters as well as lawmakers.

It came down to a hard fought vote. It was obvious that the swing vote would belong to a man that today I see as the epicenter of the downfall of the DSC I loved. Five minutes before the meeting, this man told both the CEO and myself, and I asked him to look me in the eyes when I asked for his word on it, that Corey had his vote. He said YES. Forty-five minutes later he voted NO, in favor of the screaming minority supporting the OHAA.

I am a very direct man. I would make a terrible poker player. My friends know where I stand, at all times... so do my enemies. After hiding in the boardroom for 45 minutes, I confronted this man in front of several of his friends who were congratulating him for his vote. My words were neither pleasant, or professional. I remember saying "I hope you just sealed your lying ass in the Alamo, as I think you are a cancer in this great organization and you have my word that I will do anything I can to cut you out." He was, of course, perfectly within his right to cast his vote as he saw best. But this came on the heels of so many times I saw his votes and actions as self-serving, foolish, and far outside the interest of DSC.

Battle lines were now formed between the 'Good old boys, and girls DSC" and the DSC we knew until recently. We fought for Coreys vision, and no matter the cost I am proud of our decision.

While this situation simmered, the CEO, President and board began preparing for the much discussed, but unfortunately necessary move to Atlanta. A move that was in fact VOTED FOR UNANIMOUSLY despite what many in the current leadership have said when stating "we were against Atlanta from the start!" That is bullshit of the highest order. Our company, SCP made several trips to Atlanta, and on top of our vast preparation during the Dallas Convention, began preparing for the largest marketing effort ever launched in support of a DSC Convention. The mountain of material Safari Classics produced, ready and 'in the can' was scheduled to launch July 1, with no let up until the convention opened. The scope was immense, as would have been the delivery! Radio, TV, interviews with sports and outdoor publications, including a massive social media campaign targeting the entire South East Region was locked and loaded to advertise and promote the DSC Convention to an region that has 3.1 Million Hunting Licenses sold...BUT AS YOU KNOW IF YOU ATTENDED THE CONVENTION, IT NEVER HAPPEND.
Our company had also set up a program with Anheuser-Busch, through relationships with my partner Tim Danklef, who spent years in upper management at AB and still has powerful friends there, to advertise the DSC Convention in 9,000 AB retailers from big box outlets, to Mom and Pop stores within a four hour drive loop of Atlanta. This plan was executed by, and known only to Corey and SCP, and it would have introduced to the board for approval upon signing. And the price to DSC would have been... ZERO!!! And every vendor that attended the Atlanta Convention paid the price in order for a small, but powerful handful of DSC leaders to promote a personal vendetta against our firm, despite the cost to the convention and to you!

None of the scheduled advertising created by SCP was ever deployed, as we were fired July 1st, the exact date the advertising blitz was scheduled to begin. We were replaced with a company with seemingly zero knowledge of the hunting or conservation space. They were pushed as they have a close working relationship with a current DSC Foundation board member. I will let attendees and vendors tell you if they thought the marketing, if there was any, worked to your satisfaction?

As the factions splintered, the board that had helped steer DSC toward the future began to tire of the continual need battle the egos and near-sighted nonsense that were driving the organization backwards. What I will ever refer to as 'the hostile takeover' began when a past president, who by our by-laws is in charge of the powerful nominating committee, unexpectedly died. This was seen as an opportunity for the take-over faction to get busy.

The DSC Admin committee had, as per the DSC by-laws, researched and nominated 5 highly qualified candidates to put up for the vote in March. The Admin Committed then took that to the DSC Board for approval. The Vote of the board was unanimous in favor of the 5 candidates.

In late November the Admin committee found the DSC Foundation was out of compliance on a couple of important issues. At that point, the DSC Foundation President responded back and copied the entire DSCF board, the DSC Board and DSC Staff. Around the first of December, 5 non-directors got together and requested a Directors Only Meeting, of which the DSC Foundation President was one of the five included. That Directors meeting was held shortly after, and attended by the Nine Directors Only. At that meeting it was discussed by the directors to re-do the Nominating Committee, and throw out the five previously unanimously approved candidates.

Four of the nine sitting board members were completely opposed this action. It was then decided to delay this process until the completion of the 2024 DSC Convention. The four directors in opposition thought cooler heads would prevail as this appeared to be the beginning of a hostile takeover. Shortly after the Convention, the Directors re-conviened and voted five to four to throw out previously, unanimously approved candidates, and instead appoint the living past President, certainly aligned with the take-over faction, as the Chairman of a NEW Nominating committee to select 5 new candidates of their choosing.

Between that action and the next meeting of the new Nominating Committee ( Prior to the schedules Feb 13 board meeting) three of the four opposing directors resigned in protest, as did the DSC President-Elect and members of both the DSC, and DSC Foundation board, leaving the President and one of the four opposing directors to assist with the Nominating Committee through the next board meeting. Five new candidates were chosen, of which three of the five were opposed by not only the current DSC President, and the fourth remaining Director, but also the CEO of DSC and DSCF.

At the next board meeting the five newly proposed names were approved by a majority of the board. At the conclusion of this board meeting, the sitting DSC President and the fourth opposing Director resigned in deep protest.

As expected, these five overqualified board member and officers resignations, complete with scalding letters of disdain for new 'leaderships' methods and direction were far from being considered or viewed as alarming loss of confidence, but instead celebrated by the folks now in control of DSC\ DSCF. Predictably a new slate of 'pet candidates', loyal to the new bosses and grateful for their sudden ascent to board posts, replaced the board members who resigned in protest and disgust. I being one of them, as I resigned as the senior member of the DSC Foundation board.

Moments before the vote on our Safari Classics Productions contracts, with us knowing we were dead men walking with the new hand selected board, Corey Mason gave the board his insight and opinion on the SCP \ DSC relationship. He told then none of the choices that had been presented for the marketing\messaging contract had his confidence, or were in SCP's league in their ability to produce the immense workload he and the organization had counted on year to year. He gave his opinion that if they voted SCP out, it would have catastrophic negative impacts on marketing of DSC, its Foundation, the upcoming Atlanta Convention, and finally his ability to lead in the direction he believed in.

Ten minutes later, in a vote that was not close, the board fired SCP, and in my, and countless opinions of vendors that know us and have told us so, doomed the Atlanta Convention, as well as their revenue, all to sooth the wounded feelings of the man, and his wife, who I called out over the OHAA vote. It may not be a coincidence that 15 minutes after that vote, Corey announced his resignation as CEO of DSC \ DSCF....

And that group has now arranged the board, the nominating process and the power structure in such a manner that their wishes, whatever time proves that to be, will be in place for years to come. In other words, if you are not on board with their plan, you will never be allowed to serve on a board or as an officer. And folks, I am not alone in that bold statement, I an just the first to put it in print.

In the vacuum left by Corey, an acting Chief Executive Officer was appointed until a new CEO was appointed. My very inside opinion is that this fellow is 'hand in glove' with the new leadership, fought against SCP from Day 1, and will continue to serve the powers that be, and by no means do I consider those powers to mean the new CEO.

I do not know the new CEO. I hear he is a good guy, but has a limited, if any background in international conservation. Regardless, I wish him nothing but the best. I actually feel sorry for him because I know the issues, and some of the people he inherited. But I doubt he will 'Rock The Current Boat' as he works now fora board who really runs this version of DSC.

I will share a final, but cryptic exchange between the incoming DSC President and my team that happened in our office shortly before we were terminated. He told us, and this is only a couple of words from an exact quote " From now on, this board does not want to hear the term Conservation Through Hunting' on our branded TV shows, in your articles, on any messaging or social media posts. We ARE NOT A CONSERVATION FIRST ORGANIZATION. We do some conservation work, but we are going to get back to being exactly what this club was designed to be in the first place...A Hunting Club." After looking at the shocked faces of my partners , I believe I said something to the effect of " Well. good luck with raising money for your Hunt'n Club! I meant it then, mean it now.

If a Hunting Club is what you're looking for, than today's DSC is for you. Corey Mason was not fired, he, like all of us at SCP did not see a future of leading, in his case, or working for, in our case, a Hunt'n Club. As most of you know now Corey has taken his wealth of talent and energy to The Wild Sheep Foundation and his impact is already being celebrated there.

The above are my views alone. I am speaking for no one else, yet I know many in-the-know folks share my views and have pushed me hard to tell the truths I have now highlighted.

Some will say, " Fulson is just disgruntled because he was fired. I get that, even though it is far from the truth. This group now in charge of DSC could not hire my firm back at any price. We have, as Dave West indicated, now partnered with SCI who is today far and away more aligned with our companies mission and vision. We could not be more excited to be representing the group that is most dedicated to promoting and preserving our hunting heritage in a world increasingly hostile to our beliefs. We are more than a production company, we work so passionately in the hunting and conservation space because that's who we are, hunters and conservation warriors.

I do and will always have dear friends at DSC. They know who they are. My days of involvement at DSC are over, but I \ we will always cherish the memories made, and take pride in the many accomplishments we had a hand in. The same for the friendships we will still enjoy in the years ahead.

The ire you see from me is due to a very small, but obviously powerful group of ego-driven types that I feel will laugh as the kingdom burns...as long as they can still rule over its ashes.

Best Regards, Dave
Dave, thanks for the insights. DSC has fallen victim to the same set of problems that have sunk many an organization, both public and private. Once a group of cronies with outsized egos takes control, it’s tough to drive them out. Look at the NRA for another example of a Board whistling past the graveyard. It’s all very frustrating and sad.

I wish you and SCP all best in your new relationship with SCI. I truly hope they are able to balance the desire to be a hunting’ club with the NEED to be “First for Hunters.” Advancing our cause will take more than Diamond-Level Inner Circle Awards for Spiral Horned Barbaloots.
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Wow, @Dave Fulson, thank you for sharing your honest summarization of what has gone down within the ranks of DSC. I'm sure that this was a challenging post for you to write. For those of us out here in the hinterlands away from Texas, we have all been sitting in the dark wondering what in the hell happened to DSC to create all of this turmoil and where the future lied. I remember several years ago when DSC was just a "Hunt'n club" and I first found out about them and went to a convention in Dallas. I wanted to join DSC but at that time it looked like it was only open to members in the DFW area and you had to be sponsored by a current member to join. So I wrote off membership possibilities for a few years until I realized I could join the organization from afar living in Montana. While I'm not a national DSC life member, I did join last year as a life member to our newly created Montana DSC chapter. Now I'm scratching my head wondering what the heck the purpose of local DSC chapters are if not to support a "Conservation through Hunting" agenda of a national organization? I guess the future of local chapters is to be little brother hunt'n clubs locally??

Let me say that I respect the position that you and SCP have taken in the field of hunting and conservation and fully support your efforts. I hope to meet you in person and shake your hand sometime in the future at an SCI convention and give you my thanks for your focus and work. You've just sealed in my mind that I need to become a life member of SCI nationally and my local SW MT chapter rather than renewing my SCI membership every three years as I've been doing. Sounds like SCI is more deserving of my attention, time and money than DSC. Since I live close to Bozeman, maybe I should join the WSF as well since their headquarters are just down the road.

Thanks, Pat
@Dave Fulson

Thank you for taking the time to put your experience out there, as I said in an earlier post; I wouldn't have bought a lifetime membership to this "Hunting Club" and after researching the latest board nominations that were voted on I can only imagine what the hell is going on internally at DSC.

Some of those nominees looked like a who's who's of the hipster fly fishing crowd, mixed with random people..... I only voted for 1 of the 5.

I've chalked up my $1,500 lifetime membership as a bad social investment!

But seriously Dave Fulson, thanks for all the TV shows you have done, it caught me by surprise when I saw SCI Tracks Across Africa..... now I know why and it's saddening.
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Some months back I had a discussion with Dave about what was going on with DSC with some of the decisions being made.... It's nice to finally have some answers. Guess I'll be headed to Nashville next year.
@Dave Fulson Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience
I was always of the opinion that DSC was BOTH a hunting and conservation through hunting organization. IMO it would be wrong to eliminate either aspect. I believe it was absolutely unnecessary to refuse a hunting award for public optics regarding a non hunting audience. If you can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time, you fall. Seems like egos got involved on both sides, unnecessarily. I fault both sides, which should have found compromise.
I sorta look at it like I do the current Ukraine conversation in the politics thread…

How we got here doesn’t matter as much to me as where are we going from this point forward? And where exactly is it we are trying to go?

Although I am super happy to have the information related to how we got here… it certainly helps to make future decisions…

We can worry about the “history” later and do our best to learn from it the best we can.. so it doesn’t happen again…

But that doesn’t solve the problem at hand..

My conundrum is.. if DSC won’t communicate.. and insists on continued movement in a direction that isn’t in my interest, what should I do about it?

The easy answer is find a different organization to support..

A much more difficult answer is attempt to change an organization that doesn’t want to communicate and appears to not want to change…
@Dave Fulson, thank you for the information and post. Your knowledge, work, and productions are appreciated.

You and all fellow conservationists are making a difference and impact for sustainable-use wildlife conservation.

Happy hunting to all, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.

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mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!