The Haqqani network, the militant partners of the Afghan Taliban, has received significant funding from UAE-based businesses. In January 2009, the US intelligence sources stated that two of Taliban's senior fundraisers travelled regularly to the UAE where the Haqqani networks and Taliban laundered money via local front companies.
The 9/11 Commission Report mentions the 'UAE' more than 70 times. The report states that several 9/11 hijackers travelled to the U.S. via Dubai while the funding "flowed through the UAE". The hijackers received funding from facilitators in the UAE who played the prime mediators in the attack.
A number of entities within the UAE have also allegedly funded notorious terrorist group Al-Qaeda. Dubai Islamic Bank has been implicated in funding the September 11 terror attacks, and claimants have brought legal action against the company for its role in the attacks.
That's good enough for me UAE is on my No-Fly-List...