I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to go on a fair number of guided hunting trips, pretty modest by alot of folks standards. Locally here in NY I hunt whitetail most every week of the season. I have to be out there, but I dont have to shoot anything (but really miss the venison if I dont).
I have been on half a dozen black bear hunts in New Brunswick, and two moose hunts in Newfoundland, as well as a once in a lifetime trip with my wife to SA with a modest plains game hunt.
Favorite? Boy, tough to say. Without a doubt, Africa was great from the standpoint of all varieties of wildlife seen and the opportunities.
Favorite place to be? Newfoundland. Amazing, primitive wilderness. I felt like we were in the stone age, with wildlife that truly had never seen man before. I passed on the most massive black bear I will ever see...he was happily gorging on berries, watching us the whole time, not sure what we were....but I didnt have my moose yet and it was the last day. We walked up on caribou snoozing in the sun...again, it was obvious they had never seen man before. I dont care if I ever shoot another moose, but I am called back there...
The excitement of bear hunting...hours of nothing, then the thrill of seeing a black spot appear in the distant woods....the spookiness of walking out of your stand site well after dark, knowing black fuzzy critters are around.....
The most fun? Not much can compare with a nice fall day with the shotgun sneaking up on squirrels, or a sunny winter day kicking out rabbits....
I have to say though, that looking forward to AFrica, my mind was all about Kudu. I had a thrilling hunt leading up to my taking one. It was a drizzly morning in April, and we spotted him from a hill about 1/3 mile away as I recall....we slowly stalked in closer, found him, and waited in the misting rain for about an hour for him to stand (he was behind some brush with some girlfriends). When he stood in one move he was away. We followed up on him three more times, before I had a good shot at him, and took him cleanly. Great morning. But....My wife wanted a Zebra rug...so that was the focus.
We were chasing a band with a mature stallion for a full three days (one day temp. over 100!) . I couldnt believe how tricky they were to get on....the whole herd and all the other critters in the area running security around him, it seemed (and how many times did a durn Kudu turn up in our lap to confuse the issue? ). We ended up getting him, and he was marvelous. By far the most difficult animal I ever hunted. Moose in comparison...spot from a mile away, and you fight the terrain to get to him, then bang flop. Zebra...you have the whole neighborhood working against you!~ (how many thorns did I pull out of my butt scooting around crab style? )