I'm referring of course to the many posts that have been made about trophy import bans over the last few years. Guys, I get it. You are concerned about the future of hunting as an industry and seeing clickbait headlines from the Daily Mail and Wall Street Journal can be upsetting. Remember that these articles are just that, articles. They have no real effect on hunting itself 99.9% percent of the time and it's mostly baseless propaganda. It's been happening since 2015 and since then nothing much has actually happened. Remember how the media thought it was imminent that Africa would ban hunting soon after? I do, and it must be really disappointing for the animal rights lobby that nothing has actually happened. Trophy import bans are just a pathetic and spiteful attempt to try and subvert African countries and their constitutions. You can tell by the manner of the articles and headlines just what they really think about us, stupid Africans too helpless to say 'no.'
What I'm trying to get at is that the frequent posts about import bans are often inflammatory and have little basis in reality. Unless it's something important, please keep it to yourself or at least don't make it bigger than it really is. I mean no disrespect to anyone here and I hope you all find your discussions to be productive. Thanks
I think there are many merits to the “rational fear“ of import bans. Ignoring them paints a false picture of reality. I’m speaking solely as an American hunting the SACD nations of Southern Africa. I consider the inability to import to be a ban, even if something isn’t outright banned.
The things I see:
Elephants from Zimbabwe and elsewhere have not been “wholly allowed” for US import since 2016. The law says USFWS has 60 days to perform a case-by-case determination if an import shall be permitted. After numerous lawsuits, the hunters just prevailed and USFWS is working on permit reviews with a 5 year backlog and priority given to A.) Named plaintiffs, and B.) Namibian exports. USFWS claims they will then process all others. Processing means adherence to the law and due process eventually, it does not mean permit approval. We have not yet witnessed the successful criterion that USFWS will apply to the 5-years of backlogged applications. It may be they decide none meet their arbitrary criterion, or 1%, or 10%, or 50%. TBD. I call that evidence of a ban.
CITES Appendix 1 animals used to be allowed. Black Faced Impala. Bontebok. Oribi. I believe they still are if you get the USFWS special permit. However, the antis are working (succeeded?) in requiring your name be public record with your application. Thus, antis will be able to “dox” you for applying. Enjoy the loss of employment, company solvency, and the occasional pipe bomb in your mailbox. I call that evidence of a ban.
Numerous anti-hunting organizations have picked their ambassador species. These are Leopard, Giraffe, and Spotted Hyena at the moment. (Brown Hyena is already not allowed in US) I remind hunters to select these species soon if they wish to hunt them ever. Presently, USFWS is not honoring the law with 60 day reviews for Leopard and many people are waiting. Depending how long they delay beyond what the law allows, this is another de facto ban.
I believe the USFWS after numerous lawsuits just recently processed 25 Tanzania lion permits that had languished for about 7 years? Only took multi-million dollar lawsuits to compel the USFWS to review that which the law says they had 60 days to review. I consider this evidence of a ban since when compelled to follow due process, the lawful citizen prevailed. If you lacked the means to fund the legal battles, you were de facto banned from import.
Every time a hunter comes on here and explains they want to hunt Buffalo as their first dangerous game animal, I always chime in and say “don‘t do it, its the wrong priority”. I think a bovine species is more “cow like” and thus the uninformed masses care less about them. They will be legal for import for a long time. But the rest of the big-5? Definitely more dubious futures.
None of the above is sky is falling irrational fear, its opinion supported by facts. It’s never mattered more where you hunt and which operators and PHs you use. You’ll need all the science, financial reporting, and documentation you can muster to get your rights recognized on import.