My plains game bow specs from my last safari (not at home and had to find my notes online on another forum):
407 grain arrow, 12.23% FOC, 259 FPS for roughly 61.0 Ft-Lbs KE, 0.469 Momentum
Compared to you shooting 11% FOC, 269 FPS for 70.6 Ft-Lbs KE, 0.525 Momentum
I had a pass through on my Kudu, did not pass through either zebra I shot (and I lost one of them.) I did not shoot a gemsbok or warthog.
I did switch to a heavier bow for plains game because of the lack of pass throughs and disappointing penetration on the zebra and also blue wildebeest (had to get a PH kill on that one) and the eland (good bow kill but would have liked better penetration). Nyala, impala and bushbucks were pass throughs. These were all with fixed 3 blade broadheads.
I have also looked at moving up my FOC on my dangerous game rig and am now at 30% FOC in preparation for my elephant hunt. I think by far, heavy arrows, high FOC is the best insurance for when you hit a bone. I went through the video of my zebra and wildebeest shots and there were right on the money. The wildebeest hit was perfect. It just didn't punch through. My first zebra shot was also a perfect placement but just didn't get in far enough - likely from hitting a rib and not having the oomph to push through it.
Even with a heavier arrow, I am plenty fast enough to get the animals. I would like to have more momentum and a higher FOC. I have strongly considered increasing my FOC to 15-20% and pushing up my arrow weight to 500gn+. I know for the smallest animals, that is crazy overkill, but I am not so concerned about impala or blesbuck. I don't want to chase a black wildebeest across the country and I would rather put two holes in every single animal even if I hit a rib or two. I basically spent $1200 on a single animal I lost. That is more than I will spend on better arrows/broadheads.
That said, I expect you will be fine with your setup. It was better than mine in arrow weight, KE and momentum. Your FOC is close to what mine was. You probably won't have a problem. My issue is that probably is not the same as won't. Not only did I lose an animal, I lost an entire day of hunting tracking the damn thing. I could well have shot another animal in that time (and saved the fee on my second zebra).
If you are open to the possibility of taking what Africa gives you, there may well be a wildebeest that crosses your path. They are tough as hell - they don't call them a poor man's buffalo for nothing. If I saw one and was in a blind with my bow I had for PG and my dangerous game bow, I would grab the dangerous game bow because I wouldn't trust the lighter bow/arrow combo to guarantee a kill shot. Just my $0.02.