For Sale 378 Weatherby $1,800 Trolls Keep Scrolling


AH enthusiast
May 5, 2018
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Morgantown WV
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If you can't handle recoil keep scrolling. If you shoot guns, braked or not, without hearing protection keep scrolling. If you think this rifle is not for you, you may keep scrolling as well.
In 1953 or so, Roy Weatherby came up with this chambering but it took bullet manufacturers 50 odd years to catch up. Not his fault. Using modern (expensive) bullets this rifle can perform as intended from the beginning. Physics don't lie, look at velocity and energy charts. Your intent may not be to use a rifle such as this for extended range shots but it's there to use if needed.
Some folks think Weatherby rifles and calibers are abhorrent. Ever wondered why they haven't been sued out of existence ?
For those who believe Dakotas, Rigbys, Blasers, Holland and Holland, Mauser 98, etc. are the only rifle fit to carry AND afford them, best wishes to YOU !
For those whose wallet isn't that fat, Weatherby has a remedies, this is one of them.
For those still willing to learn and have a somewhat open mind, get info from those who USE these guns, not from those who DON'T !

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Good luck on the sale. If I had the need I would be your buyer.

Here is a excerpt from the Number 3 Nosler reloading manual about the .378 where a PH (Ross Szyfried) describes the events after a client had shot a lion with a .378 as the sun set. He was wondering about going into the brush after the lion and was debating it.

"When I looked at the tracks I found that the .378 hadn't left a blood trail. Instead it left chunks of lion clockwork." However the lion made it 150 yards before passing.
Pics in the next few days unless you accept crappy ones, in which case you can expect them within 15 minutes....let me know.
Would be much easier if certain people would stop trolling.
If you feel insults were made and not flat out facts, please feel free not to visit any of my posts.
My dad owned two Weatherbys: an FN and a Mark V. While I prefer the older Winchesters I have no problem with Weatherbys or, for that matter, Remingtons, Savages and even Mossbergs; but I'm not familiar with the various models that Weatherby markets and the variations within those models depending no when and where they were manufactured. I see the asking price is $1800 and the product is a Weatherby 378; but besides photographs it would help if we have a little more detail on which Weatherby is being offered.
"For those who believe Dakotas, Rigbys, Blasers, Holland and Holland, Mauser 98, etc. are the only rifle fit to carry AND afford" them, best wishes to YOU !

This is a "fact"?

Why on earth are you so passive aggressive about a firearm? Who attacked you or Weatherby that you have to come out of gate ALL CAPS raving about other manufactures? Why are you so hell bent on telling AH who this rifle is not for?

If you don't have anything but "crappy" photos why post an ad when you know the first thing people are going to ask for is non-crappy pictures?
I wasn’t going to step into this controversy (s***), but this is what I tend to do. I think Roy Weatherby, along with P.O. Ackley, were absolute cartridge engineering geniuses for their time! I’ve never owned a rifle in any of their respective proprietary cartridges . The main reason is that back in the 70s and even 80s, Weatherby rifles were cost prohibitive for me. There was no Vanguard rifle. Many other rifle brands NOW, chamber these cartridges in their rifles. ALL of both the Weatherby and Ackley cartridges have been used all over the world for many, many decades. I suggest you use whichever Weatherby ( or for others an Ackley), works best for YOU! I’m sure a LOT of the controversy surrounding the Weatherby cartridges, comes from the lack of a CRF action rifle in a Weatherby cartridge. Same goes for the modern Browning rifles. If Winchester can resurrect their pre ‘64 CRF, both Weatherby and Browning COULD do the same. Just my two centavos!
Respect the shoulder! No need for extra velocity on the already relatively high velocity 375 h&h as compared to other dangerous game cartridges. I think uncle Roy was under pressure to develop new rounds at this point! I love Uncle Roy and many of his cartridges. This is not one of them. That said I feel the 338-378 and the wildcats that led to its standardization are fantastic! There was no need to improve upon the 375 weatherby! Years ago my kids taught me that all the trolls were rounded up and confined to Central Park... But every once in awhile they let a few loose on a mission..
If you can't handle recoil keep scrolling. If you shoot guns, braked or not, without hearing protection keep scrolling. If you think this rifle is not for you, you may keep scrolling as well.
In 1953 or so, Roy Weatherby came up with this chambering but it took bullet manufacturers 50 odd years to catch up. Not his fault. Using modern (expensive) bullets this rifle can perform as intended from the beginning. Physics don't lie, look at velocity and energy charts. Your intent may not be to use a rifle such as this for extended range shots but it's there to use if needed.
Some folks think Weatherby rifles and calibers are abhorrent. Ever wondered why they haven't been sued out of existence ?
For those who believe Dakotas, Rigbys, Blasers, Holland and Holland, Mauser 98, etc. are the only rifle fit to carry AND afford them, best wishes to YOU !
For those whose wallet isn't that fat, Weatherby has a remedies, this is one of them.
For those still willing to learn and have a somewhat open mind, get info from those who USE these guns, not from those who DON'T !

If it is so good why is it for sale......

And yes Dakotas, Rigbys, Blasers, Holland and Holland, Mauser 98, and ZKK are a much better platform especially for a DG rifle....
My dad owned two Weatherbys: an FN and a Mark V. While I prefer the older Winchesters I have no problem with Weatherbys or, for that matter, Remingtons, Savages and even Mossbergs; but I'm not familiar with the various models that Weatherby markets and the variations within those models depending no when and where they were manufactured. I see the asking price is $1800 and the product is a Weatherby 378; but besides photographs it would help if we have a little more detail on which Weatherby is being offered.
I've noticed your presence on this site for the year and a half since joining it. I enjoy your posts. Glad to see you are more open minded than some.
I received this gun last week in a trade. It was the Alaskan Model Mark V 375 H&H originally. Previous owner wanted more horsepower and had a Shilen .378 Weatherby barrel installed.
I hope to have presentable pics in the next two days.
Hold on a minute. I think what Bas said is that this rifle admittedly isn't for everybody. Yes, it may not be as good as some of the rifles mentioned, but it doesn't cost as much either. Thinner wallets require choices that otherwise might not be made. Winchester sold a lot of rifles between 1964 and 1992 (or whenever they started offering CRFs again.) While recognizing that they are not optimal they aren't all bad either. Bas I do agree that photos would be nice, and are generally expected.
Apparently I have committed a nearly unpardonable sin by not including a pic a when posting the ad. Pics are forthcoming.
For those who couldn't help but give negative replies about my post, I ask you to do a bit of research. Find actual instances of game being hit with traditional calibers, game being hit with heavy Weatherby calibers, and compare the number of times the PH had to join in and complete the task of downing the animal.
Seek out those who have USED THEM. Ask Von S. and others what can be accomplished.
I could go on about the topic if anyone is so interested but believe the point is moot.
Mark, please calm down and communicate when you have....
If it is so good why is it for sale......

And yes Dakotas, Rigbys, Blasers, Holland and Holland, Mauser 98, and ZKK are a much better platform especially for a DG rifle....
If it is so good why is it for sale......

And yes Dakotas, Rigbys, Blasers, Holland and Holland, Mauser 98, and ZKK are a much better platform especially for a DG rifle....

Last year I traveled 3 hours one way to look at fine rifles that could never be seen in the area where I live.
I got to hold and examine (I removed my ring and watch out of respect) 375 and 416 Rigbys, Dakotas, Blaser S2 in 500 Nitro, a custom Mauser 500 Jeffrey and was impressed very much by the beauty and quality of these arms. I walked away wondering why the Rigbys were so much higher in price than the Dakotas and I have my suspicions.
IvW, from seeing your posts before I know you've "been there done that" but surely you realize everyone can't afford those luxuries. Good for those who can with all sincerity, if not for them the guns wouldn't exist and all would be deprived of them.
As far as my financial situation goes, the reason it's for sale is not an appropriate
Well your original post comes across like you are upset with yourself for getting this rifle in hand.....and proceed to continue in a very negative way towards anybody who would have anything negative to say regarding such a choice of rifle or caliber....If it was not for the combination of 378 Weatherby and trolls I would not even have opened the thread....

It may be a perfect rifle caliber combination for some, I could not imagine for what game though, but it is a poor choice for Africa and in particular for DG in Africa....ask any experienced DG PH or Outfitter if they would recommend this rifle or caliber combination.....

Last year I traveled 3 hours one way to look at fine rifles that could never be seen in the area where I live.
I got to hold and examine (I removed my ring and watch out of respect) 375 and 416 Rigbys, Dakotas, Blaser S2 in 500 Nitro, a custom Mauser 500 Jeffrey and was impressed very much by the beauty and quality of these arms. I walked away wondering why the Rigbys were so much higher in price than the Dakotas and I have my suspicions.
IvW, from seeing your posts before I know you've "been there done that" but surely you realize everyone can't afford those luxuries. Good for those who can with all sincerity, if not for them the guns wouldn't exist and all would be deprived of them.
As far as my financial situation goes, the reason it's for sale is not an appropriate

Yes sure I agree with that but I am sure you will appreciate that this is a specialized rifle caliber combination that is not for everyone(actually very few), who can handle the recoil in the first place. I am sure whatever it is that gets whacked on the front end with the right bullet, will go down if the shooter can hit what he is aiming at. However it is not a good choice for DG in Africa, no way, not by a long shot I am afraid.

I am sure you will find somebody who will be interested and you will sell the rifle, good luck.
The original owner used this rifle for a moose hunt in an area with big brown bear sharing the country side. Ironically he saw no acceptable moose but saw enough bear to make him glad this rifle was in his hands.
My point was, and is, the H&H in this caliber is widely renowned . I have two and they are for sale as well. I have other guns for sale, mostly handguns, because I need the money more than the guns.
My approach on this gun wasn't well received by some, I simply wanted to avoid negative comments, which are sometimes opinion rather than fact.
The only realistic improvement on this gun I would like is a larger extractor grip, but even that is just my opinion.
This gun weighs 9.0 lbs. on my luggage scale. There are various ways to tame recoil as I'm sure you are aware, extra weight, recoil mercury tubes, etc.
I can currently shoot my 460 Weatherby, but am certain the day will come when it will be too much. As you well know, there are techniques to shooting large bore rifles that are difficult to describe to those who haven't discovered them.
At my age and general health status I'm getting closer to the time when I will only reach for my Kimber. 308 Win. to go after game.
Maybe we can understand one another a bit better....
IvW, one question I forgot to ask. Why are the Blaser 2 500 Nitro Express rifles not held in higher regard ? The one I handled had a rear sight that was alien to me but the darn gun was right on the money every time I threw it to my shoulder at different angles and elevations ! It's been sold since but the price was only $7k US ?
IvW, one question I forgot to ask. Why are the Blaser 2 500 Nitro Express rifles not held in higher regard ? The one I handled had a rear sight that was alien to me but the darn gun was right on the money every time I threw it to my shoulder at different angles and elevations ! It's been sold since but the price was only $7k US ?

I originally thought our OP clearly had his tongue in cheek at least a little bit, and even if not, I thought it was a brilliant post to draw attention to the rifle he hopes to sell. I don’t want the beast, but there are a number of Weatherby fans on our site - @Von S. comes mind - and I hope one of them buys it.

I personally think the .300 Weatherby is perhaps the best world-wide cartridge ever developed. I hated the original Weatherby California style package with high gloss, bright blue, and exaggerated cheek piece, but the cartridge is now chambered in some of the best designed rifles in the world by numerous custom builders - and the originals work as advertised.

I own a Blaser S2 and have used it in Africa for everything from duiker to Cape Buffalo from really close to nearly 250 yards with the .375 barrels in place. With a scope it shoots MOA from each barrel and a combined group at 100 meters is about 2.5 inches. It is an amazing rifle.

And virtually all of the outdoor blathering class with a magazine contract hate it. Terry Weiland has probably been the most outspoken. They will point to various attributes, but mostly it boils down to being offended by such a non traditional double rifle. It does indeed require a different manual of arms, but I have had no issues. They are currently a steal. Nothing with two barrels is more accurate.
The muzzle brake surely helps. It's a nice Mark V-poss even a lightweight model (as many stds were black.) I remember when these guns sold brand new for $1800, though that one looks "as new," and has the custom barrel. Aluminum weaver bases on that thing? Blasphemy! LOL Needs Talley, Warne, or the Alaskan (steel) ones, as it'll also help w/ recoil mgmt. by upping from the HH case head diam (0.53") to Wby (0.58"), a gunsmith would've had to open the boltface as well. Was it bead-blasted or coated with something (as the action/bbl don't match the bolt. The 'smith may have opted to plop a 378 bolt in it in lieu of any metal work, but relieving the existing bolt would surely be cheaper.) Can the audience see a pic of what's inscribed on the barrel? LOL those could be Warne bases, but they look a lil thin...
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85lc wrote on wvfred's profile.
If youhave not sold your 11.2x72 Schuler, I will take it.
Just PM me.
Roy Beeson
HI all, here is a Short update on our America trip, I currently in Houston and have 2 more meetings here before movings North toward Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa, and from there I will head to Colorado and Idaho,I have been met with great hospitality and friendship, and have met several new and old clients and we are going to book the rest of 2025 season quick and have several dates booked for 2026!
That's a wrap, on our first hunt of this years season.

Hunting conditions are a bit tougher in South Africa during the month of February, but can be just as rewarding if done right.
James Friedrichs wrote on Dangerous Dave's profile.
can you send some pics of the 2.5-10 zeiss. I can't click on the pics to see the details. You noted some scratches. thx.