Can antone tell me if there is any rhyme or reason why some have the pop up peep? Date made, caliber etc.
In my opinion, this is typical factory re-designing of next production line, to save the cost of production.
Peep pop up sight, was on ZKK from 1966-1976, then removed. After 76, rifles were made without it.
CZ is doing this "redesigning" ever since, in rifle line of production. Up to modern 557 and 600, no longer CRF, and without magnum length action in production.
But I also must say, that I am not aware of any other factory that makes this feature on modern bolt action hunting rifle today.
In the sixties, many rifles were not fitted with scopes, and some type of mechanical sights were necessary.
In modern days, scopes are present everywhere and in all price ranges, which reduces the need for fine high quality peep sights.
To make matters worse, modern factory hunting rifles without iron sights are in majority today.
We can add one more ingredient to this soup: the appearance of "long range hunting" and this does not need iron sights, although the rifles will be different from traditional classic hunting rifle.
In short, cost saving in production, market conditions have changed, pop up sights, are gone.