I hunted turkeys for the fist time last year. But I have a MN turkey and whitetail mecca in my back yard

Well, numbers of whitetails anyway.... Neighborhood mentality seems to be if it's brown it's down
Must have about 100 living on my 160 acre place. They come right up to the deck on the house when we're not home
I was walking the 1.75 miles to the mailbox the other day and had about 70 flush like big quail out of some corn I left stand alongside the drive way, scared the heck out of me

We have a drawing for shotgun first two weeks (A&B), over the counter for C,D, and E, and if you did not get a bird, you can hunt F which is usually a few more days than the week the others are. Fall tag is over the counter and so is Archery for all seasons.
The thing that burns my ass with MN DNR is that if you are a landowner you can get preference for those first two weeks but must allow public hunting on your land, you can determine when enough is enough and limit it. With deer, you can get a bonus antlerless tag and must allow some others to hunt but at least you can pick and choose who you permit as long as you permit someone who asks.
I waited my whole life to acquire a nice property secluded from the rest of the World and covered with game and paid handsomely for it. So I do not participate in this turkey "deal". And I go to great lengths to see to it there is ample feed and cover available to overwinter these birds. We are no longer allowed to have feeding stations because of CWD concerns in the deer... so I plant and leave crops for them.
Damned liberals