Global Warming a.k.a. Climate Change


AH fanatic
Nov 11, 2014
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I am not contesting the fact that global warming a.k.a. climate change may have occurred over the last several decades. I am not an expert on the facts surrounding the earth’s changeable weather patterns. What I question, however, is the accusation that man’s burgeoning industries have been the cause.

Having said this, however, I have to admit to having read many scientific dissertations that expert climatologists have written on this subject. And to report that I agree with their conclusions.

I am well aware of the fact that during Europe’s medieval period (950 A.D. to 1350 A.D.), for example, within a period of some 400 years, the earth suffered a warming episode that produced infinitely hotter temperatures than those we are experiencing today. Yet during the medieval period man had not yet discovered fossil fuels and he had not yet invented the internal combustion engine. These two causes, therefore, cannot be blamed for the medieval global warming episode as they are being blamed for the current one.

So, if it wasn’t for the burning of fossil fuels, what did cause the climate to change during the medieval period?



^this shows the natural cycles over the longest timeline we have available. And that the cooling and warming is the natural climate pattern.

The cycle of CO2 increase and the lagged temperature increase is clear. It appears that the world generates CO2, heats up, then sheds/locks the CO2, then cools down.

The question is if we have made/are making so much CO2 that this natural cycle had been damaged irreparably.

I have no idea about that. Time will tell.
Buffalo and wildebeest farts caused all warming before the internal combustion engine and coal fired power was invented. Just ask a liberal and they will tell you everything you never wanted to know about everything.
The population explosion and need for food trumps in all ways any climate change.

an example: the population of Kenya in 1900 was 1.7 million, in 1960 it was 7.7 million, in 2022 it was 57 million.

climate isn’t changing as fast as the population. While rhe fanatics want to talk about mitigating global temperature, they are ignoring the wave of humans that are washing onshore and who want to live in something approaching a first world.
If you've fever had the opportunity to have a front row view from 38000 feet of a line of thunderstorms the stretches from Colorado to Iowa and top out at 55000-60000 you will never ever again consider the idea that global warming/climate change is a man made event. The amount of power and energy in that relatively small example (compared to the totality of the globe's weather) is staggering. We're ants on this rock. Whatever changes that are/are not happening is despite our presence here and not because of it.
If you've fever had the opportunity to have a front row view from 38000 feet of a line of thunderstorms the stretches from Colorado to Iowa and top out at 55000-60000 you will never ever again consider the idea that global warming/climate change is a man made event. The amount of power and energy in that relatively small example (compared to the totality of the globe's weather) is staggering. We're ants on this rock. Whatever changes that are/are not happening is despite our presence here and not because of it.

How many people even know that the largest volcanic explosion known happened in 2022? And what the ramifications might be?

CO2 content of the atmosphere is 0.03% (less than a third of one percent). They are worrying about fractions of one percent rise and selling it as a catastrophe.

Sea level rise: 3-4% of the water is fresh water so it would take all the fresh water on the planet (subterranean, rivers. lakes, dams etc) to have a negligible effect to sea levels, An increase in CO2 promotes vegetation growth and therefore negates the CO2 rise or danger. Why do you think they sell CO2 machines for greenhouses?!

Lastly don't mistake air pollution with greenhouse gases. Nobody wants to live next to an air polluting plant but pollution is not the the same argument and that's where the uninformed get it wrong and hyped up (and probably vote Democrat :ROFLMAO: )

PS I'm not some anti-climate change activist, I have an Hons degree in Environmental Protection and have worked in the environmental field for almost 2 decades. The BS stinks but those who drink the cool aid don't want to delve too deeply. It's woke to "trust the science"....
Climate Hoax. It's an EASY way for The Government to Declare another Emergency!!!
I’m not a climate change denier but I’m a realist as well. The climate has been changing since there was climate. My youngest daughter started to buy into the man made stuff and I told her to go research how the prairie potholes and the Great Lakes were formed, she came back an hour or two later and told me she was wrong and changed her mind. I also am old enough to remember the ice age predictions of the 1970’s.
, An increase in CO2 promotes vegetation growth and therefore negates the CO2 rise or danger. Why do you think they sell CO2 machines for greenhouses?!

It’s much more than CO2 machines.

For one of my customers, who represents +90% of a country’s greenhouses that produce tomatoes, peppers and strawberries, I’m currently trying to figure out how to optimise the running of their gas fired power plants in a way that allows them to sell the power they produce in the summer (and being in competition with solar panels). Because they do not need the electricity, nor the heat, but only the CO2 for growing their plants.

They push the ambient 3-400 ppm of CO2 to about 7-800ppm.

In fact, increased amounts of CO2, heavy use of synthetic fertiliser (read, made from natural gas) and a few other “artificial modifiers” are some of the things that are going to help mankind to feed everyone on this planet.
You guys seem pretty knowledgeable about all of this, can anyone tell me how many acres of solar panels it would take to run a small town of say 20,000 people? Ive seen too many solar farms taking good productive farmland out of food production and turned into solar fields and as a farmer it’s depresing to see .
You guys seem pretty knowledgeable about all of this, can anyone tell me how many acres of solar panels it would take to run a small town of say 20,000 people? Ive seen too many solar farms taking good productive farmland out of food production and turned into solar fields and as a farmer it’s depresing to see .
Using average of 394 to 447 MWh per acre per year with 3.9 Trillion kWh for the US for 2021, and 334,625,932 People in the US, I got between 521 and 591 acres of just solar panels for a town of 20k.

For DFW Metro area (2020 pop. 7,637,387) I got between 199k acres and 225k acres of just panels.

For the entire US: 15,466,370.55 Square MILES or 5x the land size of the US in solar panels at 394 MWh per acre per year.

somebody can check my math (lots of mils, bils, and k’s in there)
Thanks a pant load Bourbon Trail, unfortunately that’s even more depressing. I know it wouldn’t all be solar but it sounds like other than nuclear it all is somewhat bad for the environment. No wonder they want us to eat bugs.
You guys seem pretty knowledgeable about all of this, can anyone tell me how many acres of solar panels it would take to run a small town of say 20,000 people? Ive seen too many solar farms taking good productive farmland out of food production and turned into solar fields and as a farmer it’s depresing to see .

Some very rough back of the envelope calculations:

20000 people, so 7000 households, each consuming about 10000kWh/y, makes a total energy need of 70000 MWh/y

1 hectare of solar is about 1 MW installed capacity. Which would produce about 1*365*24*0.2 or 1800MWh.

This gives about 40 hectares total. That’s 400000 sq meters of land.

That being said, this would not cover the needs of these households during morning peak and evening peak consumption. Likely during the midday hours, some panels would need to be shut down in summer, because too much production and not enough consumption. Also overal in summer a lot of energy would not be able to be used, due to lack of storage, and thus wasted. While in the winter there would not be enough by far.

Solar is one of the most ill adapted energy sources for an industrialised world. It is however very well adapted for “out in the wilds” where there is no transport grid and/or no other large electricity generating assets.
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All I know is two people can't agree on where to go out for dinner. The notion that nation states are going to agree on reducing their standard of living to forestall some sort of "climate change" is the zenith of human folly. Paraphrasing Einstein, "Two things are infinite, the universe and mankind's arrogance and I'm not so sure about the universe".
How many people even know that the largest volcanic explosion known happened in 2022? And what the ramifications might be?

bigger than Krakatoa? I have my doubts--there was no summer THAT year...

BTW, that was the year Farmer's Almanac became everyones go-to a joke, they marked the weather for July 4th for snow. "Well, by gum, the Farmers' Almanac got it right, by cracky"

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