I think all hunters are superstitious to a degree. For me it's manifested in a few essential items in my kit. The most significant is a hat I purchased some 30 odd years ago from a store called Oshman's in the local mall. It was a typical baseball style camouflage cap made of thinsulate, which at the time was cutting edge technology in the hunting industry. This hat served me well through the years. The most memorable favor it did me was to ward off a raccoon that launched itself from a tree apparently with the intention of taking my scalp. When he hit my head all he managed to grab was my faithful hat. From that hunt forward it became my good luck charm. The years have put some wear and tear on it so these days I only bring it out when things get particularly difficult. Most recently was three years ago when I was in a kudu drought. We scored on a great bull by 8:30 the first morning out with my trusty hat in play.
I'm wondering who else has a similar talisman in their arsenal??
I'm wondering who else has a similar talisman in their arsenal??