Oh God. Why did I waste my time.

I suspect Nancy and I would like your wife.

You on the other hand ...........
I will promise to look closer at posting dates.
No worries Joe,
I am to blame for lateness of my report, nobody else, leaving you to bang out that long list of suggestions for nothing.
I apologize to you and others here, since you good fellows typed various lists of recommendations for me, after we’d been home a good while.
Hopefully, others here can put your helpful information to good use in planning their own Italian holiday.
To re-cap my previous rant, Italy in general was not a bad experience for me, it just was not up to speed with its reputation, especially the big cities.
The paintings and marble sculptures IMO were amazing but for me, nothing to go back for a second look at.
And again, the food was good but not exactly the Heavenly experience that it is cracked up to be.
I’m fond of Chianti/ San Sangiovese grapes and it is no surprise that, the Italianos do make good use of them.
But honestly, the best Sangiovese I’ve ever tried was from Napa California.
Generally speaking, all the very best tasting reds of any description IMO, are consistently coming from from Napa Valley each fall season.
Anyway, the wonderful Sangiovese wine of which I speak was from a very small (VERY small) mom & pop establishment called; “Gonzalves Winery” (long-standing California Portuguese family owned), within the city limits of Napa itself, near the north end of town.
They are so small that they do not have a tasting room or web site or any of that fancy bling.
Furthermore, Gonzalves only produces small batches and so, I’ve never seen it for sale except in Napa area liquor stores.
It’s the best Sangiovese I’ve ever tried, anywhere.
On the wine topic, be they Cabernets, Pinots, blends or dreaded Merlots, etc., etc., Napa red wines beat anything I’ve tried anywhere, including Italy.
In all fairness, Napa wines are expensive, usually even more than bottled Italian wine tends to be here in the USA or over in Italy either one so, there is that.
As mentioned before, I did have a good time in Italy but honestly, it was not everything I thought it would be, it fell a little short of the target, so to speak.
Be that as it may, if a man wants to go with his wife or girlfriend to a place where his woman will be thrilled with it all, I’d say Italy is an excellent choice, perhaps the very best choice on earth, to make a romantic impression.
My wife loves it there and so, we might go back someday.
If so, I will again smile at everyone we pass on the street, say “buon journo” (or however you spell it), keep my happy face in while in the crowded museums and historical sites, as well as again enjoy the food and drink, chew with my mouth shut, plus not gripe about the seemingly omnipresent cigarette smoke, massive crowds of fellow tourists and all the rest.
My wife is an incredible woman and so, it’s totally worth it to me to sometimes just go with her plan, as she does indeed appreciate it.
She certainly has tagged along during plenty of my off-beat destinations, including African buffalo hunting and a fishing trip to The Amazon.
Those types of adventures that I’ve planned have not been on her bucket list whatsoever but, she went for my sake and made the best of it each time so, I went to Italy with her and did my level best to enjoy it as much as a simpleton such as I could manage.
She’s a keeper.
Best Regards,