If you guys think I’m a little rough on old H&H realize its my biases. I grew up poor, I’m frugal as hell. I have no issue spending $20,000 on a gun, but the value must be there. I’m looking for bargains for my money. I’ve seen several H&H royals over the past ten years for under $10,000. They were not good values, had serious issues. One was 8lbs. Another was short barreled. Another was out of proof and had barrel work done to it. Another was restocked and it was just off. Nonetheless, they were under $10,000. I’ve seen some dealers asking $30,000 for better Royals. I’m speaking solely of vintage guns, I’ll never buy a new H&H because of my first two sentences above.
I’ll give you an example of what I think a “deal” is. A friend imported a Dickson 12 bore best sidelock. Mint, 99% condition. 1930s gun. Sublime and original. ONE OWNER gun. Owner never used. Owner died. Estate tossed it about until sold. The gun went for 10,000 pounds to a friend of mine. The reason it was so cheap? Dickson is known for trigger plate round action guns. This one was a best side lock in the H&H Royal #2 engraving pattern style. Easily a $200,000 gun to have made today. That’s the kind of value I like to see. Heck, it sold for literally the same price as the MSRP on my atrocious, “best Spanish gun” that is hardly worth mention.
Really fine guns, especially 12 bores, from best makers, can be found these days for shocking low money. H&H seems to be able to sell off brand recognition in a way the other best-makers cannot. I like getting the most gun I can possibly get for my money.