AH legend
There was a man named Roger who was hardworking and enjoyed his 2 evening hobbies, bowling and volleyball. Then one day his loving wife decided he needed a break from his job and his hobbies and told him she was going to take him out for the evening to a local bar for relaxation. When they arrived, the bouncer said "Hello, Roger how are you tonight?" His wife looked at him and Roger said, "No problem, I bowl with him." They went on in and the barmaid said, "Welcome Roger, your usual Gin and Tonic?" This time his wife was concerned, but Roger explained that she played volleyball with him and knew his favorite drink. They sat at a table, and a young woman came by and asked, "Do you want your usual table dance, Roger?" At this point, his wife went ballistic, yelling and leaving and calling a cab. Roger stumbled after her, apologizing all the way and barely making into the cab with her. She continued yelling at him as they were driving, but when she finally stopped long enough to catch her breath, the cabdriver looked back and said, "Wow Roger, you picked up a real bi### tonight...........Roger will be missed at the "bowling alley" ....