Greetings and salutations!
I've always wanted to say that ... I don't know why!
I'm new here as well. When I opened the e-mail with the link, I thought: "Okay, let's see what
this place is all about" ... I mean I get many e-mails with links for one sit or another. When I got here, I stated navigating the site, and to my surprise I was enthused about what I was seeing. The hunt photos, the stories, the guide listings, and the section that most applies to me ... for Taxidermy, made this site the tops in my book!
I have been a Taxidermist for well over thirty years. I took a hiatus from the field for about ten years, pursuing a shot at Equine Sculpture, and now I have made my return to the art form I love best of all. I have worked on many animal species from all over the USA, as well as the many varieties of African mammals, in both head mounts and full mounts ... lifesize.
My work has won awards at the National, International, and World levels of competition, and I always strive to create the most lifelike and realistic restorations of wildlife that is humanly possible, while giving my clients
more than their money's worth.
I am the published author of the successful
"The Breakthrough - Art Of The Big Cat - Manual" a taxidermy guide that takes the reader step-by-step through the research, and study of big cats; and the subsequent mounting of a very large male African Barbary Lion. There are also chapters dealing with Leopards and Cougars and their differences; and the sculpture, and mounting of a beautiful female Black Leopard.
Some examples of my work can be seen at my website:
Jambo! From Artistic Expressions
I am always happy to offer up any advice for potential customers, as to how best to care for their trophies in the field, or how to make sure those hired to take care of their hard-won trophies, are giving them the best service for their money!
I hope to be the Taxidermist for many of the hunters here. Good hunting to you all!
John B.