Hello happy hunters.
I am Barend Janse van Rensburg, Loving the outdoors, loving hunting. Great site, the splendour of Africa as a mutual interest and of cause it's trophies.
Check out Ruppell Hunting's website >>> Tell me what you think.
My Father, Jan owns Ruppell Hunting and slowly I am becoming part of it.
Good health to you all. May your hunts be prosperous.
I am Barend Janse van Rensburg, Loving the outdoors, loving hunting. Great site, the splendour of Africa as a mutual interest and of cause it's trophies.
Check out Ruppell Hunting's website >>> Tell me what you think.
My Father, Jan owns Ruppell Hunting and slowly I am becoming part of it.
Good health to you all. May your hunts be prosperous.