Sorry it's taken me so long to respond, I've been fighting flood waters all week up here in North Dakota - looks like we finally got it under control.
Right now I am planning on trying to take kudu, gemsbuck, red hartebeest, blue wildebeest, blesbuck, implala and possibly an eland and/or zebra.
My primary bow will be a Bowtech Commander (longer ATA version of General), with a Limb Driver arrow rest and a Spot-Hogg SDP with wrap sight. My back-up is a Hoyt RazorTec. Both bows are set at about 70#. I plan on using Carbon Express Maxima Hunter arrow shafts, fletched with Blazer vanes and tipped with 100 grain Shuttle T-Lock broadheads.
I think this set-up should be good for just about everything I plan on taking with the exception of the eland. I was going to discuss this further with my PH as the trip gets closer.
Any comments on the set-up would be appreciated.