Thank you.
As far as rhino in, I haven't sadly. But maybe one day. All my travels to Africa in the last few years has been in South Africa. The year I spent there I did SA, Zim, Zambia, Moz, Malawi. But I have darted and relocated a black rhino, angry little man.

In working with wildlife I've done game capture which I loved. Hard work but fun, until a zebra takes you out.

I've made amazing friends doing it.
In as far as rhino which is my big passion I've helped with darting, relocated them, de horned them and tracking, research, etc, and next year I'll be working with a friend who's also a well known rhino vet who mainly deals with rhino that have been poached and are injured. I'm also in a group which are in the process of bringing some to Australia to breed and to live relatively safely. That's the plan anyway. We're almost there.
As far as hunting goes, I'm not a pro by any means but I love it. I learned to hunt in Africa during one of my trips. First a warthog and an impala.
The second trip I took a wildebeest at 160metres with one shot. He dropped where he stood. As I know that's not easy as my PH told me. As I had it in my sights my PH told me to make it good, no pressure, haha. So an especially proud moment. A couple more Impala went the same way.
I've since bought a hunting rifle and am planning to do some hunting at home, mostly roo's as we have too many of them.
I do long range competition shooting here at home with my 308 target rifle which I love. And that's about it condensed.