I’m from Johnstown, Pa.Welcome Vic to the AH forum!
Where are you from?
So, what have you taken?
Who did you go with?
What rifle/caliber did you use?
How about a report on your hunts?
Nag, nag, nag...just the kind of old man I am! Still glad to have you!
Welcome to AH Vic. We’d like to hear about your hunts and your taste in rifles.[/
I’m from Johnstown, Pa.
Most recently (03/19) I went to SA and hunted with Marius from KMG Safaris. He actually has photos posted of us on the hunt. I took a Cape Buffalo with a .375 H&H, a Hippo with a .375 H&H, and a spotted hyena with a 300 Win Mag. It was an absolutely awesome hunt!
I hunted in Namibia twice in 2007. I hunted with Hannes from Bergzicht. Between the two hunts I took a warthog, zebra, blue wildebeest, hartebeest, gemsbok, springbok, Blesbok, giraffe, greater kudu, and most importantly a leopard. I used a 270 Weatherby on all animals except the giraffe which I used a 375 H&H My experience with Hannes and Bergzicht was amazing.
I have been spoiled with my hunting experiences to Africa.
As far as rifles, I believe a Ruger .300 Win Mag is hard to beat. I would use that rifle for just about anything.
That sounds awesome Vic! It sounds like luck has been on your side at least for leopard!
Oh yes, my wife is originally from Apollo. I think it’s not too far from Johnstown, PA.
Isn’t that the truth. I didn’t realize it at the time, but a Leopard is extremely elusive. It is definitely a rare trophy that I’m very proud to have taken.I believe you’re correct. She said it was about an hour away.
When hunting, or pretty much anything, I’ll take luck over skill any day!![]()
I would like to complete the Big Five. I have a Buffalo and Leopard thus far. I know that completing the Big Five is a tall task, especially for an American.Welcome aboard Vic, you are amongst friends. Do you have any near term plans for an African hunt? If so, what is on the menu?