We have a self guided hunt on my ranch in northern Idaho if you are interested. There are two large SOBs that are preying on my elk herd that we've seen a dusk. One is a big silver and the other is jet black. A half mile from my property, a guy took a 220 pounder and we are sure the silver goes that big or bigger.
I have two hunts in October and if you look in the "Great Deals on Hunts" forum just preceding this forum you will find my hunt. There are no guarantees but you can buy up to 5 wolf tags in Idaho because they are becoming a real problem. Each of my hunts have the option of a large tent or my small cabin. If I sell a hunt in the tent camp about a quarter mile form the cabin, I would give you a deal on the cabin.
The cabin is new and finished inside but there are no creature comforts except water we supply from a well, camp stove and kitchen area with pots and pans plus propane lights and heater. We just built a new outhouse a few steps form the cabin porch that no one has used. The cabin will have cots but I could supply an queen sized air mattress for the loft. If you are interested, I would give you exclusive rights to the cabin and where we've seen them is in a ravine less that a hundred yards for the cabin. I will be setting up two trail cameras in the area so you can tell there movements even at night.
You will see from my ad that there are abundant elk, whitetail, moose, turkey and ruffed grouse on the property. I have blinds and stands throughout the might be possible for you to hunt the property when no one else is hunting. I will check the regs to see if it is possible if you are interested. If you send my your email address, I can send you a picture of the cabin. I would discount the cabin use by 50% if you book in the next week.
Sean :elch:
(208) 582-0841