Heym Event II 20 & 21 April (04) 2013
With Special Guests
Mark Sullivan, Peter Dafner & David Little
Professional Hunters (Africa) Kynoch Amo (England)
Heym Master Guns Smith & Engravers
from the Heym Factory in Gleichamberg (Germany)
Heym Large Caliber Challenge (Day 1, 20 April 2013)
On the 20th of April 2013, its time again for one of the most successful Large Caliber Events in Germany:
The Heym Challenge II
You can expect an even more exciting competition and program, distinguished guests, interesting presentations and demonstrations. The shooting will takes place at one of the most modern shooting ranges in Europe; the Schie゚sportzentrum Waffen Albert Пulvertoni? Well-known companies and experts will share valuable information, experiences, and much more regarding large caliber shooting and hunting.
The number of participants is limited this year due to the capacity level. Please confirm your registration as soon as possible, registration closes 30 March 2012.
The Heym Event & Factory Visit (Day 2, 21 April 2013)
Am Aschenbach 2
98646 Gleichamberg
D - Germany
10.00 Arrival
10.15 Welcome by Heym CEO Thomas Wolkmann and the Mayor
10.20 Welcome from the presenters
10.30 Factory tour and presentation of rifle production in small groups.
Explanation, visit and live demonstrations of the engravers
Exhibition of Heym weapons ranging from standard to super-luxury
12.30 Lunch break. B.B.Q Lunch will be provided; this is included in the registration fee, as well as afternoon
coffee and cake
13.30 Presentation by Peter Dafner
14.30 Presentation by David Little
15.30 Presentation by Mark Sullivan
Heym Factory Tour and Activities
This is an excellent opportunity to see first-hand how fine hunting rifles are manufactured. Allow us to inspire you with the craftsmanship of gunsmiths, stock makers and regulators.
The operational management will show all the steps that are necessary for the production of a hunting rifle: from barrel making and hammering to assembly and fine tuning of the system, all the way to stock design and manufacture by hand. Of course, all weapons are finally regulated and test fired in our in-house shooting range.